Daily Nation Newspaper



POLICE have summoned Sistah Sistah Foundation Zambia the organisers of the LGBT protest which was held in Lusaka recently.

Zambia Police deputy spokespers­on Danny Mwale said the organisati­on applied for a permit to hold a Marchpast within Lusaka District to raise awareness against women and girls sexual and Gender Based Violence.

He said the applicatio­n was made on February 22, 2023 and the march- past was slated for March 4, 2023 at the Rugby Club in the Show Grounds.

Mr Mwale said the permit was granted considerin­g that issues of sexual and GBV were on the increase as detected by the Police Victim Support Unit.

He said as such, this was deemed to be a noble cause by the Police. In the same vain, the same request was made to the Lusaka City Council and the Sistah Sistah Foundation were given a go-ahead.

“It has, however, come to the attention of the Zambia Police Service that during the said March-past, conveners exhibited a different agenda from the one whose permit they sort for. The agenda seemed to have highlighte­d issues of LGBTQ (Homosexual­ity),” he said. Mr Mwale said according to the laws of Zambia, practicing homosexual­ity is a crime punishable by law. Sections 155 and 157 of the Penal Code Chapter 87 of the Laws of Zambia criminalis­e same-sex conduct between consenting adults. In addition, Zambia is a Christian nation and government does not champion homosexual­ity.

Members of the public are therefore, warned that they should not flout the law deliberate­ly by taking advantage of the prevailing environmen­t that allows for freedom of expression and assembly,” he said.

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