Daily Nation Newspaper


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and Zambians will ever trust them to rule this country.

This is according

New Congress Party

Peter Chanda.

Mr Chanda accused Mr Sampa of betraying former Republican President, Edgar Lungu after what he did for him, and for adopting him as Member of Parliament.

He said in an interview that the former President did so much for Sampa but he chose to pay him back with betrayal.

“Chabinga and Sampa’s political career is ending in the next two years and no Zambians will ever trust them for Presidency or as a member of parliament because they are betrayers, after all what Mr. Lungu did for them, adopted them.

“And today you can stand out to discuss about UKA, want tell you that UKA has not yet formed government and it will be forming government come 2026 whether you like it or not because the Zambian people at the moment are fed up with the high cost of living and are fed up with the current way in which the current ruling party is governing the country,’’ he said.

Mr Chanda said Mr Chabinga should stop commenting on matters which are in court because Sampa is not the Patriotic Front President the court hasn’t ruled yet.

“My call to Chabinga is to humble yourself and learn to respect elders, Lungu is a former head of state, respect him and stop issuing statements against him,’’ he said to the leader,

IM II N T R Y of Health P e r m a n e n t Secretary for Technical Services, Kennedy Lishimpi, has called for galvanised efforts in reducing maternal and neonatal mortality in Zambia.

SDr Lishimpi noted the need for stakeholde­rs to mobilise themselves into a multi- sectoral collaborat­ive approach to reduce maternal and neonatal mortality.

He was speaking at the closing ceremony of the threeday Maternal Newborn Health Summit 2024, in Lusaka.

The summit was organised by the Ministry of Health under the theme, “Call to Action for Accelerati­ng the Reduction of Maternal and Neonatal Deaths in Zambia through a Multi- Sectoral approach.”

Dr Lishimpi disclosed that the ministry has developed a ministeria­l delivery unit that is looking at enhancing some of the health services so as to have solutions that will take the country from one level to the next.

He noted that 10 priority areas that need to be achieved by 2026 include reproducti­ve health, medicines and medical supplies, child health care, malaria eliminatio­n, environmen­tal health and health support systems strengthen­ing among others. Dr Lishimpi further said there is still more that needs to be done to safeguard the health of mothers and newborns. -


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Miles Sampa

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