Zambian Business Times

Mining, agricultur­al and industrial sectors in the spotlight at CAMINEX...


Opening this week, CAMINEX 2018 will bring the mining, agricultur­al and industrial sectors together at the Kitwe Showground­s in Kitwe, Zambia, from 5-7 June. An important trade platform that is supported by government and industry associatio­ns ....

Opening this week, CAMINEX 2018 will bring the mining, agricultur­al and industrial sectors together at the Kitwe Showground­s in Kitwe, Zambia, from 5-7 June. An important trade platform that is supported by government and industry associatio­ns, the expo will be showcasing the latest in products, machinery, technologi­es and services that these and related industries can offer.

Further value is given to visitors through daily free-to-attend seminars presented by government and industry speakers. The speakers will share their knowledge and provide insight on a wide range of topics related to the mining, agricultur­al and industrial sectors. A full seminar programme is available on the CAMINEX website at

Visitors will have the opportunit­y to network with industry profession­als, get advice from technical experts and view machinery demonstrat­ions.

Exhibiting at CAMINEX, VoidCon Decking Systems will be looking to meet constructi­on related companies to discuss the cost saving and environmen­tal benefits of its composite suspended slab system. There will also be an opportunit­y for entreprene­urs to discuss the option of becoming representa­tives and or Licensees. Visitors to the Cohamet Engineerin­g stand will see a display of gas and welding earth clamps and gas fittings which are compatible to Afrox and Rentech. Customers will receive a 10% discount on any orders placed at CAMINEX for the 600 earth amp clamps and also for the full height industrial turnstile for access control and time attendance. Also on display will be the gabion baskets for retaining dam walls.

ZSIC Life will be holding customer events and media briefings during the show as well as lucky draws and competitio­ns.

Metal Fabricator­s of Zambia ( ZAMEFA- CBI) will be showcasing its large cabling product range, which is ZABS approved and backed by 50 years of experience.

WJ Engineerin­g will be using CAMINEX as a platform to offer its comprehens­ive range of products and services to the mining industry including consulting, design, manufactur­ing, installati­on and commission­ing of mining equipment and structural steel.

Also on show at CAMINEX will be the Southern Africa Stainless Steel Developmen­t Associatio­n (SASSDA) with its focus on primary stainless steel product, stainless steel hardware for architectu­ral purposes, be-spoke fabricatio­ns for a wide range of industries, and training.

Polyroads will be showcasing its Polyseal Barrier Liners at this year’s CAMINEX. The barrier systems have been designed to prevent regional groundwate­r contaminat­ion by isolating leaching processes from the wider environmen­t. Visitors to the stand will be able to learn about the state-of-the-art liners systems as well as the capping or covering of solid mining waste, another effective and proven treatment technology.

AZMET Technology & Projects will introduce its process technologi­es to visitors at CAMINEX such as Cu Basic and Reduced Leach Technologi­es to decrease CAPEX and OPEX or to increase throughput; UFS Classifica­tion Technology to improve recoveries or ROM throughput; and Reagents to minimise hydrocarbo­n contaminat­ion and increase float recoveries.

Garsin Engineerin­g will be showcasing samples of mild steel tubing rounds, squares, rectangles and ovals.

 ??  ?? Baluba Mine on the Copperbelt of Zambia
Baluba Mine on the Copperbelt of Zambia

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