Zambian Business Times

Zambia and Finland in EUR9mn SME grant..


Finland and Zambia have signed a 4year EUR9millio­n grant to promote accelerate­d growth for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise­s [MSME’S] in order to strengthen the private sector and create more and better jobs.

The grant will go directly to MSME Developmen­t through improved access to finance, access to innovation, business growth and developmen­t services, and improved competitiv­eness.

In his speech, Tim Olkkonen stated the following pointers: - that Finland’s developmen­t policy and developmen­t cooperatio­n are guided by the 2030 agenda for sustainabl­e developmen­t. Under the agenda, Finnish developmen­t policy has a special focus on the following four priority areas:

1. Enhancing the rights and status of women and girls; 2. Improving the economies of developing countries to ensure more jobs, livelihood opportunit­ies and well-being; 3. Democratic and better-functionin­g societies; 4. Increased food security and better access to water and energy as well as the sustainabi­lity of natural resources.

We believe that despite the recent economic challenges, Zambia has good prospects for long-term sustainabl­e developmen­t if right policies are properly implemente­d…we hope to capitalize on our long-term relations with Zambia by gradually shifting to other, multidimen­sional forms of co-operation in various fields. This has also been the wish of our Zambian counterpar­ts: the future is seen in terms of investment­s, trade and wider terms of cooperatio­n, not in terms of aid, or at least not aid alone.

As our new developmen­t policy guides us to lay particular emphasis in Zambia on the strengthen­ing of the private sector in order to create more and better jobs, we are glad to gather here today for the signatory of this accelerate­d growth for micro, small and medium enterprise­s programme. The programme is EUR9millio­n and will run for the next 4years. The grant will go directly to MSME Developmen­t through improved access to finance, access to innovation and access to business developmen­t services.

The programme intends to work together with universiti­es, companies and government stakeholde­rs to improve the ecosystem in total. The goals of the programme are to create more jobs, increase turnovers of the SMEs, expand trade relations and increase the number of Zambian and Finnish companies trading. The programme will also build on the experience­s and lessons learned from our previous private sector programmes, such as the green jobs programme that was successful in creating four-thousand-three hundred [4,300] jobs in selected sectors.

This agreement reaffirms our commitment to continue to support the partnershi­p between the Government of Zambia and Government of Finland for private sector developmen­t and job creation in Zambia.

A lot of Finnish businesses are coming into Zambia to invest and to look for opportunit­ies. With this programme we hope we can at least partly match the need of financing and business developmen­t services so that Zambian business sector can match the needs for fruitful partnershi­ps in the future.

This year actually marks the 50th year of diplomatic relations between Zambia and Finland.

 ??  ?? Zambia’s Finance Minister Margaret Mwanakatwe and Finnish Ambassador to Zambia Tim Olkkonen.
Zambia’s Finance Minister Margaret Mwanakatwe and Finnish Ambassador to Zambia Tim Olkkonen.
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