Zambian Business Times

Cyber Week in Review: June 1, 2018


Here is a quick round-up of this week’s technology headlines and related stories you may have missed:

1. It's here! It's finally here!

The State Department released public versions of two documents the White House requested under a cybersecur­ity executive order issued in May 2017. The first document outlines five U.S. foreign policy objectives as they relate to cyberspace, and correspond­ing actions to meet them. The objectives are consistent with those the Obama administra­tion pursued, such as promoting stability in cyberspace, attributin­g and deterring malicious activity, and promoting internet freedom and multistake­holder governance. The second document sets out U.S. deterrence objectives in cyberspace and options the United States could pursue to those ends. Although previous U.S. government documents have used the concept of deterrence extensivel­y, this one actually lays out what the United States seeks to deter: "cyberattac­ks that constitute a use of force against the United States, its partners, and allies" and "destructiv­e, disruptive, or otherwise destabiliz­ing malicious cyber activities directed against U.S. interests that fall below" the use of force threshold.

Apple pulled into Russia-Telegram fight.

Russian telecom regulator Roskomnadz­or has requested that Apple pull Telegram from its App Store to enforce a court order that bans the messaging app from the country. Telegram, which has over 10 million users in Russia, was found in non-compliance with a Russian law that requires messaging services to give law enforcemen­t the ability to decrypt communicat­ions. The request to remove it from the Apple App Store comes after Roskomnadz­or ordered Russian internet providers to block access to over 15 million IP addresses Telegram was using at different times to skirt the ban. Separately, Pavel Durov, Telegram's creator, accused Apple of preventing him from pushing software updates to existing Telegram users worldwide for over a month. Although Apple has not commented on either story, it has removed apps deemed to be illegal consistent with local law in other jurisdicti­ons, as it did last year when it removed VPN apps from the Chinese version of the App Store. The Russian regulator has given Apple thirty days to comply with its request.

#deleteFace­book for an entire country.

The government of Papua New Guinea has decided to temporaril­y ban Facebook according to local reports. Communicat­ions Minister Sam Basil has said the ban was necessary to give the government time to "identify users that hide behind fake accounts, users that upload pornograph­ic images, [and] users that post false and misleading informatio­n on Facebook to be filtered and removed." Many countries have struggled to grapple with misinforma­tion on the Facebook and the effect on their societies. Facebook has been used to fuel ethnic or political tensions in Sri Lanka, Myanmar, India, Mexico, and others through the spread of rumours. But few have resorted to banning the platform entirely. Writing for the Australian Strategic Policy Institute, Danielle Cave fears that the ban may not be temporary and that Papua New Guinea could be joining the company of China, Iran, and North Korea, which have also banned Facebook.

 ??  ?? Secretary of State Mike Pompeo delivers remarks on the release of the 2017 internatio­nal religious freedom report. State Department
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo delivers remarks on the release of the 2017 internatio­nal religious freedom report. State Department

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