Zambian Business Times

BHP Escondida mine workers in Chile start new wage talks


The e union of workers at BHP's Escondida copper mine in Chile said on 01 June that it had kicked ked off the latest round of labour negotiatio­ns with ith a contract proposal that includes a bonus of about $USD34,000 per worker at the world's largest copper mine.

The closely-watched talks come little more than one year after failure to reach a labour deal at the mine led to a 44-day strike that jolted the global copper market.

"For us, this negotiatio­n is the continuati­on of the same fight for dignity that we began last year, an effort to defend our benefits and our rights," the union said in a statement.

The price of copper on the London Metal Exchange has risen more than 50% since hitting a nine-year low in 2016, boosting profits globally and potentiall­y providing unions more leverage in negotiatio­ns.

The union has demanded a one-time bonus equivalent to 4% of dividends distribute­d to shareholde­rs in 2017, or about $34 000 per worker. The union also requested a 5% increase in salaries for its workers.

"We believe that (the bonus) is proportion­ate and fair," the union said.

BHP said in a statement that it would review the proposal and prepare a response within 10 business days allowed by law.

Workers at the mine last year decided to end the strike by invoking a legal provision that allows them to extend their existing contract by 18 months, through July 31, 2018.

The two parties again failed to reach agreement in early talks in April.

The Anglo-Australian miner has until mid-June to respond to the union's demands.

Direct talks between the union and the company are slated to begin in July.

 ??  ?? The world’s largest copper mine Escondida is owned BHP Billiton. The miner sparked off union wage negotiatio­ns last week Friday with hope of getting every worker to earn a bonus of USD34,000.
The world’s largest copper mine Escondida is owned BHP Billiton. The miner sparked off union wage negotiatio­ns last week Friday with hope of getting every worker to earn a bonus of USD34,000.

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