Zambian Business Times

Mbeya City FC to float shares the Dar-es – Salaam Bourse for USD44mn


Mbeya City Football Club Public Ltd plans to list its shares on the Dar es Salaam Stock Exchange (DSE) early July this year, Zambia Business Times has establishe­d.

Company’s chief executive officer, Mr Emmanuel Kimbe, said the process to lists started since four years ago and the football club has made significan­t progress.

“Plans are to raise USD44mn ( TZS100bill­ion) by floating stocks on the Dar -es – Salaam Stock Exchange - DSE. We will in the very near future announce the amount of shares that we will float through the bourse,” Mr Kimbe said.

The company’s consultant­s were reviewing the prospectus before Mbeya City Council, that is the currently the owner by 100% decides the number of shares to remain with, and the remaining will be floated at the DSE.

“Financial statements of Mbeya City Council have been promising since 2011 when the club was establishe­d. In that regard, we have all what it takes to walk the talks on our listing plans,’” said Mr Kimbe.

The decision by the company to float shares at bourse comes a few months after the Mbeya City Council owned- Mbeya City Football Club’s announceme­nt to change its status into an independen­t company.

The Company was registered on January 26 this year by the Business Registrati­ons and Licensing Agency (Brela) under Companies Act, 2002.

In that event, Mbeya City becomes the first team in the history of Tanzania to enter in this modern way of running football teams in the world.

Its decision was meant to open the doors for partnershi­ps so that the company could raise capital to spur huge investment­s in the team by financing various developmen­t projects and other related projects that could see growth of the company and the nation at large.

 ??  ?? Mbeya City Council Football Club of Tanzania plans on floating shares on the Dar-es – Salaam Stock Exchange for USD44mn (TZS100bn).
Mbeya City Council Football Club of Tanzania plans on floating shares on the Dar-es – Salaam Stock Exchange for USD44mn (TZS100bn).
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