Zambian Business Times

Munali Nickel Mine gets new lease of life after USD$40-million injection


“The studies have included the re-evaluation of the geological data, a new mining method to fully extract the ore body, improve metallurgy to improve the grade of the ore to the mill circuit in order to have value addition by producing separate nickel and copper concentrat­es.

These changes have the potential to reduce operation cost to make the mine economical at low nickel price,” he said.

Banda also said the recommence­ment of mining and processing activities is expected to impact 400 direct jobs while an estimated 350 indirect jobs will be created through contractor­s, subcontrac­tors and spill over effects as a result of the operations at the mine.

So far, a successful blast undergroun­d was undertaken on 14th September 2018. Constructi­on of the first ever Dense Media Separator (DMS) plant in Zambia which will improve head grade from 1% to 2% and improve recoveries is in progress and is expected to be commission­ed before the end of the year.

Some key mining equipment’s have arrived on sight while order of other equipment have been placed. Process plant rehabilita­tion is on schedule while rehabilita­tion of some available units is ongoing. The mine site has also been fenced as required by the government legislatio­n.

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