Business Weekly (Zimbabwe)

Preventing festive season burnout


THE silly season is upon us. A time of joy, celebratio­n and spending quality time with the people we love. While this is party time for many folks, there are other people who still have to work over the festive season.

With the pressure to attend social gatherings, plan parties, and manage work responsibi­lities, it is easy to feel overwhelme­d during this time.

To really enjoy the holiday season, it is important to prioritise self-care and prevent burnout.

You cannot afford to take a holiday from the holidays simply because you did too much.

Here are a few tips to help you get through the festive season while maintainin­g your well-being.

Learn to say no

There are always a lot of parties happening during the festive season, but it does not mean you have to go to all of them.

If you are not feeling up to it or just not in the mood, it is quite okay to just say no.

Do not concern yourself with what people will have to say if you do not attend all parties. It is good to be selective of the events you choose to attend.

Planning is key

Planning your time effectivel­y is key to avoiding burnout.

Make a list of all the tasks and events you need to attend and allocate specific time slots for each.

Prioritise the most important ones and eliminate the non-essentials. This will help you stay organised and prevent over-committing yourself.

Ask for help

Do not hesitate to ask for help when you need it.

Whether it is your turn to host a gathering or manage work responsibi­lities, seeking assistance can alleviate stress and prevent burnout.

Delegate tasks to family members, friends, or colleagues to share the workload.

Maintain boundaries

Setting boundaries is important for preserving your well-being.

Clearly communicat­e your limits to others and do not feel guilty about enforcing them.

It is okay to decline additional responsibi­lities or politely excuse yourself from certain activities if they are draining your energy.

Be mindful of what you eat and


While it is okay to enjoy special treats over the festive season, one has to be mindful of how much you consume.

Overindulg­ing can leave you feeling sluggish and hungover contributi­ng to feelings of burnout.

Aim for balance and moderation in your eating and drinking habits.

Practice self-care

We all know it can become chaotic therefore it is important to take time out for yourself.

Prioritise self-care activities such as exercise, meditation, or spending time doing something you enjoy. Schedule regular breaks to relax and recharge.

Taking care of your physical and mental well-being should always be a priority, even during the festive season. — IOL Lifestyle

 ?? ?? Try not to overindulg­e.
Try not to overindulg­e.
 ?? ?? The festive season can leave you feeling exhausted.
The festive season can leave you feeling exhausted.
 ?? ?? You don’t have to attend all parties you’re invited to.
You don’t have to attend all parties you’re invited to.

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