Business Weekly (Zimbabwe)

How to naturally, safely detox


WE'RE all slowly getting back into the swing of things after a busy festive season. For many, this is a time to start anew. One of the most common things people do at the start of the new year is to detox after overindulg­ing during the summer holidays.

While there are many detox programmes and products available, opting for safe and natural methods is always a wise choice.

Here are some effective ways to naturally detoxify your body.

Hydrate with water

One of the simplest and most effective ways to support your body's detoxifica­tion process is by staying properly hydrated.

Water helps to flush out toxins through urination and sweat, so aim to drink at least eight glasses of water daily.

You can enhance your detox routine by adding lemon slices or cucumber to your water for extra benefits.

Clean diet

Adopting a clean, plant-based diet is an excellent way to support your body's natural detoxifica­tion mechanisms.

Incorporat­e plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes into your meals.

These fibre-rich foods aid digestion and promote regular bowel movements, which are crucial for eliminatin­g toxins from your body.

Try herbal teas

Certain herbal teas have natural detoxifyin­g properties that can aid your body's eliminatio­n processes.

Popular options include dandelion tea, which supports liver health, and green tea, known for its antioxidan­t properties.

Add detoxifyin­g foods

Several foods possess specific detoxifyin­g properties.

Garlic, for instance, contains sulphur compounds that support liver function.

Turmeric, on the other hand, has powerful anti-inflammato­ry and antioxidan­t effects.

Incorporat­e these foods into your meals to boost your body's natural detoxifica­tion processes.

Sweat it out

Regular exercise promotes circulatio­n, increases oxygen flow, and helps your body release toxins through sweat.

Engage in activities you enjoy, such as jogging, dancing, or cycling, for at least 30 minutes per day.

Additional­ly, consider incorporat­ing sauna sessions or hot baths to further promote toxin eliminatio­n. - IOL Lifestyle

 ?? ?? While there are many detox programmes and products available, opting for safe and natural methods is always a wise choice
While there are many detox programmes and products available, opting for safe and natural methods is always a wise choice

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