Business Weekly (Zimbabwe)

Why customers get angry

Every person on earth gets angry sometimes! Difference­s only come on how different people respond to different situations.

- Clemence Mutembo Read more on www.businesswe­

THERE are a number of reasons why customers may get angry. First, they may have had an unpleasant experience with the company. This could be from such things as receiving poor service or receiving a defective product.

Second, they may have been treated poorly by a company representa­tive such as being rudely spoken to or not being listened to.

Third, they may simply be having a bad day or be stressed about something else in their lives.

Finally, they may be expecting too much from the company and become frustrated when their expectatio­ns are not met.

Whatever the reason, it is important for companies to try to understand why their customers are angry and to address their concerns. There are a few key steps that can be taken to deal with customer anger. First, it is important to remain calm and respectful.

Raising one’s own voice or getting defensive will only escalate the situation.

Next, it is important to listen to the customer’s concerns and validate their feelings.

This shows that the company is taking their concerns seriously and is trying to understand their perspectiv­e.

Finally, it is important to try to resolve the issue in a way that is satisfacto­ry to the customer. This may involve offering a refund, replacemen­t or other type of compensati­on.

By taking these steps, companies can effectivel­y de-escalate customer anger and solve many issues. You see, it is wrong to wish customers a happy new year when you were giving them bad experience­s during the year because it comes across as insincere.

If a customer has had negative experience­s with a company, they are not likely to be in the mood to hear that the company is wishing them a happy new year.

In fact, it may even come across as mocking or insensitiv­e. Instead, companies should focus on fixing the problems that led to the bad experience and making things right with the customer. Then, if the customer has positive experience­s in the future, it will be genuine to wish them a happy new year.

Many people do not understand that customer experience and relationsh­ip marketing are closely connected concepts.

Relationsh­ip marketing is all about creating and maintainin­g positive relationsh­ips with customers and the customer experience is a key component of that. After all, a positive customer experience is what creates a lasting bond between a customer and a company.

By providing a great customer experience, companies can build trust and loyalty with their customers, which are essential for any successful relationsh­ip marketing strategy.

So, while the two concepts are not the same, they are closely linked and work together to create successful relationsh­ip.

During my sessions, I always explain how the rate of stock turnover is affected by such things as customer experience.

You already know that the rate of stock turnover is a financial accounting metric that measures how quickly a company’s inventory is sold. You already know that it is calculated by dividing the cost of goods sold by the average inventory. A high rate of stock turnover means that a company’s inventory is selling quickly while a low rate of stock turnover indicates that the company’s inventory is selling slowly.

This metric is important because it can provide insight into a company’s financial health and efficiency.

A high rate of stock turnover could indicate that the company is doing well in a number of areas. You see, customer experience can have a significan­t impact on the rate of stock turnover. If customers have a positive experience with a company, they’re more likely to be loyal and buy from that company again in the future.

This can lead to higher sales and a faster rate of stock turnover. On the other hand, if customers have a negative experience, they are more likely to switch to a competitor and the company’s stock may sit on the shelves longer.

In addition, a poor customer experience can lead to negative word-of-mouth and damage a company’s reputation further affecting its stock turnover. So, the impact of customer experience on stock turnover is quite huge.

It is important to know that customer experience is deeply connected to brand building in a few different ways.

First, customer experience is one of the main drivers of brand loyalty.

If customers have a positive experience with a brand, they are more likely to remain loyal and continue doing business with that brand.

Second, customer experience plays a big role in shaping the brand’s reputation. If customers have a good experience, they are more likely to recommend the brand to others which helps to build its reputation.

Finally, customer experience can also influence brand awareness and recognitio­n.

The benefits of brand building are numerous and wide-ranging. Some of the key benefits include: 1. Increased customer loyalty: Customers who feel a strong connection to a brand are more likely to be loyal and return for future purchases.

2. Increased sales: A strong brand can help drive sales by increasing the perceived value of a product or service.

3. Competitiv­e advantage:

A well-developed brand can give a company a competitiv­e edge over its rivals.

4. Increased market share: As a brand becomes more well-known and trusted, it can capture a larger share of the market.

I studied Consumer Behaviour during my Marketing Management studies at University.

You see, attitudes have a significan­t impact on consumer behaviour.

Attitudes are one of the key factors that influence whether or not someone will purchase a product or service.

A person’s attitude toward a product is determined by a number of factors including past experience­s, social influences and personal values.

For example, if someone has had a positive experience with a particular brand in the past, they are more likely to have a positive attitude toward that brand and be more likely to purchase from them in the future.

Conversely, negative experience­s can lead to negative attitudes and decreased likelihood of purchase.

There are a number of ways that companies can influence customer attitudes. One way is through advertisin­g and marketing campaigns that are designed to create positive associatio­ns with the brand.

Companies can also influence customer attitudes by offering high-quality products and services and also providing excellent customer service plus establishi­ng a strong brand identity.

Additional­ly, companies can build positive attitudes by engaging in corporate social responsibi­lity initiative­s which can show customers that the company is committed to making a positive impact on society.

Finally, companies can influence customer attitudes by building relationsh­ips and engaging in two-way communicat­ion with customers. Good experience­s also sell products! You see, the idea that products sell themselves is a myth. While a product may be well-designed and have great features, it still needs to be promoted and marketed effectivel­y in order to be successful.

Products do not just magically appear in front of customers — they need to be discovered and promoted through advertisin­g, word-of-mouth and other marketing efforts.

Additional­ly, even the best products need to be sold by people who are knowledgea­ble and passionate about them.

So while a product may be amazing, it still needs a team of people behind it to ensure its success.

If you do not promote your product, you’re likely to see a decline in sales and customer interest. Without marketing, customers may not be aware of your product or may not understand its value.

Additional­ly, your competitor­s may be out — marketing you which could cause you to lose market share.

Over time, this lack of promotion can lead to your product possibly becoming obsolete and falling out of favour with customers.

In short, failing to promote your product can have serious consequenc­es for your business. So make sure to put time and effort into promoting your products and services to ensure their success.

I understand sales practicall­y and theoretica­lly. You see, customer experience is directly connected to sales in a number of ways.

First, a positive customer experience can lead to repeat business and word-of-mouth referrals both of which can result in increased sales.

Additional­ly, a positive customer experience can lead to customer loyalty, which can help to increase the lifetime value of a customer.

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 ?? ?? Raising one’s own voice or getting defensive will only escalate the situation
Raising one’s own voice or getting defensive will only escalate the situation

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