Business Weekly (Zimbabwe)

Olive oil good for your skin


OLIVE oil is a household staple with several benefits, including relief for rheumatoid arthritis. However, aside from the health benefits, the oil can do wonders for the skin, provided you use it correctly.

An article in Very Well Health highlight some of the main benefits of using olive oil on the skin:

It moisturise­s: Olive oil contains squalene and vitamin E. Squalene promotes skin lubricatio­n and protection, thereby supporting the skin’s moisture retention, making sure it stays moisturise­d. Vitamin E works as a sponge, increasing the skin’s capacity to absorb and retain water.

Reduces the signs of ageing: Most people, especially celebritie­s, do not like ageing. They try every expensive skin treatment they can to look younger.

Ageing is not reversible but can be slowed, provided you exercise, eat well, take care of your mental health and follow a consistent healthy skincare routine.

Rich in antioxidan­ts, olive oil can combat oxidative stress which is associated with skin ageing.

Applying a thin layer of olive oil after moisturisi­ng your skin can reduce the signs of ageing.

Helps cleanse: Don’t have a make-up remover? No problem, you can always use olive oil to remove make-up. Add a few drops to cleanser and wash your face.

Additional­ly, use olive oil to wash your make-up brushes and sponges. Add hot water, dish washing soap and a few drops of olive to a bowl/sink.

Put your make-up tools in the bowl and watch the dirt come out of your tools.

Promotes wound healing: You can accidental­ly cut yourself with a knife; life happens. And when it does, don’t panic.

After carefully cleaning your wound, apply olive oil to help with healing as the oil has anti-inflammato­ry and antimicrob­ial properties.

 ?? ?? Olive oil has several benefits, including healing wounds.
Olive oil has several benefits, including healing wounds.

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