Business Weekly (Zimbabwe)

Tips on how to deal with chronic joint pain


The constant discomfort imposed by joint pain can lead to feelings of frustratio­n and helplessne­ss. Persistent joint pain can be a debilitati­ng condition, significan­tly impacting daily life.

The constant ache or stiffness not only affects physical movement but can also take a toll on mental well-being.

However, with the right approach, managing joint pain is achievable, allowing you to regain control and improve your quality of life.

Dr Dawn Harper, a NHS doctor from the UK with over 30 years of experience and author of the book “Live Well to 101,” offers valuable insights and practical tips for those struggling with persistent joint pain.

Prioritisi­ng mental wellbeing

Dr Harper emphasises the crucial connection between joint pain and mental health.

She highlights a startling statistic: nearly three- quarters (73 percent) of people with joint pain experience anxiety or depression.

The constant discomfort and limitation­s imposed by joint pain can understand­ably lead to feelings of frustratio­n, helplessne­ss, and isolation. These negative emotions can further exacerbate pain perception, creating a vicious cycle.


Meditation and breathing exercises are excellent starting points. These practices can help manage stress, improve sleep quality, and promote emotional regulation, all contributi­ng to a more positive outlook and better pain tolerance.

Gentle exercise

For those seeking a more active approaches gentle yoga or nature walks. These activities encourage gentle movement and mindfulnes­s, promoting relaxation without putting undue stress on the joints.

Spending time outside offers an additional benefit – exposure to sunlight can boost vitamin D levels, which play a vital role in bone and joint health.

A multi-pronged approach to pain management

While addressing mental well-being is crucial, Dr Harper acknowledg­es the need for a comprehens­ive approach.

Here are some additional tips:

Maintain a healthy weight

Excess weight puts additional strain on joints, particular­ly the knees and hips. Losing even a few kilograms can significan­tly reduce pain and improve mobility.

Stay active

Exercise strengthen­s muscles that support your joints. Low-impact activities like swimming, water aerobics, or cycling are excellent options. Regular physical activity also stimulates the production of endorphins, natural painkiller­s produced by the body.

Heat and Ice Therapy

Applying heat to stiff joints can improve flexibilit­y, while ice packs can help reduce inflammati­on and swelling.

Dietary adjustment­s

Consuming an anti-inflammato­ry diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and omega-3 fatty acids can help manage pain. It’s also important to limit processed foods, sugary drinks, and unhealthy fats, which can contribute to inflammati­on.

Over-the-counter medication

Painkiller­s like paracetamo­l or ibuprofen can provide temporary relief from pain. Be sure to consult your doctor about dosage and potential side effects.

Exploring complement­ary


Therapies like acupunctur­e or massage can offer pain relief and promote relaxation.

Remember, you’re not alone

Living with persistent joint pain can be challengin­g, but with guidance and a commitment to managing your condition holistical­ly, you can regain control and live a fulfilling life.

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