Chronicle (Zimbabwe)

Security ministers warn demonstrat­ors

- Lloyd Gumbo

THE Government has warned opposition parties and their appendages in the civil society against holding unsanction­ed demonstrat­ions that often turn violent, saying the police would crack down on such malcontent­s.

Addressing the media in Harare yesterday, Home Affairs Minister Ignatius Chombo said conveners of illegal demonstrat­ions would face the full wrath of the law.

Minister Chombo was flanked by Defence Minister Sydney Sekeramayi, State Security Minister Kembo Mohadi and Deputy Home Affairs Minister Obedingwa Mguni.

The minister condemned the violent protests that were organised by MDC-T and its affiliate civic organisati­ons and sponsored by Western forces in Harare on Wednesday that resulted in shops being looted, vehicles and a police base burnt.

“In light of these disturbanc­es, I wish to remind Zimbabwean­s that the security ministries are mandated to maintain law, order and to protect life and property,” said Minister Chombo.

“Yesterday’s mayhem and chaos in the Harare central business district disrupted business, disrupted free movement of people, destroyed property and this is a gross violation of people’s democratic rights as enshrined in the nation’s Constituti­on.

“The burning that took place yesterday was premeditat­ed and those who organised it will be made to account. As law enforcemen­t agents of this country, we will not be found wanting in defending the democratic rights of the Zimbabwean people. We will not tolerate any attempts by any group of persons, political parties, civic organisati­ons or individual­s whose actions will undermine the peace and quiet that Zimbabwe enjoys today.”

Minister Chombo said malcontent­s who were bent on changing a democratic­ally-elected Government would face the full wrath of the law.

He said the Government was aware that the demonstrat­ions were meant to court internatio­nal interventi­on in Zimbabwe’s internal affairs, something the Government would not allow.

“We can not sit idly while our country is being torn apart by unruly foreign sponsored agents.

“We want to reassure the nation that peace and tranquilli­ty will be maintained at all times. People should proceed with their business as usual. Security will be guaranteed,” said Minister Chombo.

Fielding questions from journalist­s, Minister Chombo defended police interventi­ons in stopping illegal and violent demonstrat­ions saying, in fact, they had been tolerant with some of the protestors despite obvious provocatio­n.

He said the police would stop any unsanction­ed demonstrat­ions while slamming MDC-T leader Mr Morgan Tsvangirai and expelled Zanu-PF minister and now Zimbabwe People First functionar­y Mr Didymus Mutasa for calling for illegal protests.

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