Chronicle (Zimbabwe)

The Power of Writing


Proverbs 16 vs 24

“Pleasant words are like a honeycomb, Sweetness to the soul and health to the bones”

When you read what other people write, if written in a manner that speaks to you, you tend to get inspired, you tend to be moved and with this comes a revelation which can be life changing.

So much has been written, and the mistake that we often make is to live in a world where we are surrounded by so much knowledge yet we fail to consume it. The Internet has broadened our ability to access informatio­n and everything is now available to us at the press of a button.

Have you ever wondered how the people who wrote the Bible managed that amazing feat? It was all through divine inspiratio­n; words flowed from the mouth of their pens and they coined and weaved such an amazing work that through Him, it has stood the test of time.

History plays a pivotal role in teaching about the past and warning about the future. Through the ability to read what is written by others we have been able to piece together a past that has ultimately shaped our today.

Has it ever crossed your mind that your life story is important and if told, it can inspire others? We all have a testimony to share and it doesn’t matter whether you are able to write or not. God has done amazing things at different stages in our lives. Documentin­g these miracles or positive experience­s will serve as a reminder to us of His abilities and faithfulne­ss. That way, we can draw strength from them when we are facing problems and our faith will be renewed.

Today I want to encourage you to begin to write about these experience­s, events, people and situations that have shaped your life. The things you write today will not only stand as testimony of an amazing life filled with miracles that are often forgotten, but serve as amazing testament to others for generation­s to come.

Technology has become so advanced that to those that cannot write, options like voice notes have been made available for them to document their stories. You may be surprised at the impact your ability to share will have on the lives of others as they see God in action in your life. Faith is sometimes strengthen­ed when the stories we relate to are about people we know and are real to us.

Make writing a part of your day to day activity, let your faith be shared to many, let your testimony speak through your words. We all have stories to tell, we all have things the Lord has done for us that we just want to shout out in joy and tell the world.

It starts with those few words you begin to put down. In as much as His written word has spoken to you, changed your life and continues to speak to you, you too have an obligation to speak to others and tell of His amazing love in the midst of it all.

Happy writing!

Be blessed

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