Chronicle (Zimbabwe)

$2 000 extortion after pastor fails to pay hooker $20


She said Pastor Kadungure made her relocate to her new lodgings in Riverside suburb since he was now paying her rentals and buying food.

Guduza said the man of cloth even barred her from sleeping with other men. “He said he had problems with his wife and he would visit me time and again until sometime in August when he said he was terminatin­g our relationsh­ip,” she said.

In his affidavit, Pastor Kadungure said he met Guduza at a food outlet in Gweru in May last year. “That time things were unwell at home and I was trying to refresh. Later I realised that she was a prostitute and I told her of my position to stop the whole issue because I’m a pastor,” said Pastor Kadungure.

He said Guduza then started extorting money from him threatenin­g to expose their affair to the public.

“She calls or texts demanding money of which I don’t have and I’m borrowing from friends because I’m afraid of being exposed by her,” Pastor Kadungure said.

He said because of his associatio­n with Guduza, he was now deep in debt.

“I have been siphoned monthly rentals, utility costs, food costs and I told her back in May that I needed to stop paying but she refused and threatened me with unspecifie­d action,” Pastor Kadungure said.

When he filed the applicatio­n, he said he had lost $900 to the woman but yesterday, Pastor Kadungure told The Chronicle that he had erred in his “moment of madness” and the money had gone up to $2 000.

“I gave her about $2 000 to buy her silence and it was becoming too much. But please don’t publish this. My life will be ruined. It was a moment of madness on my part,” he said. — pchitumba1

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