Chronicle (Zimbabwe)

Msipa delusional


EDITOR — Former Zanu-PF Politburo member and Midlands Governor Cephas Msipa is hallucinat­ing and living in a world of delusion.

Msipa alleges that Zanu-PF will not reform itself unless out of power. He is saying this to try and secure a position within the proposed coalition fronted by Mujuru and Tsvangirai.

Msipa is a social misfit! That is the reason why he has failed to build and consolidat­e a following with the electorate after leaving Zanu-PF. He is viewed as someone who is power hungry, myopic and lacking in the national vision.

It is misleading for Msipa to allege that elections in Zimbabwe have been militarise­d.

Somebody please tell him that the military is not involved in elections but that there is an independen­t body known as the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) that administer­s the polls. Msipa should not take us for a ride.

This shows the man has run out of ideas and is desperatel­y seeking political relevance. It is a known fact that Zimbabwe has been fulfilling one of the tenets of democracy; that is holding elections at prescribed intervals.

These elections have been held under free and fair conditions and they have been internatio­nally recognised.

Msipa is a clear and present danger, not only to the nation through blatant misinforma­tion, but to himself because he has come to believe his warped propaganda.

He is simply unfit to lead a nondescrip­t party, let alone to govern a country with such a rich history as Zimbabwe.

His perception of self as having leadership qualities is as laughable and misplaced as it is pitifully frightenin­g.

It is a fact that despite himself, Msipa expresses admiration and envy for the leadership qualities of President Mugabe. His attempts at slighting President Mugabe’s economic policies are a question of sour grapes. Simply put, Msipa is a lightweigh­t on issues of economic importance. Stewart Mrehwa

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