Chronicle (Zimbabwe)

No Other God


Exodus 20 vs 3, 5

“You shall have no other Gods before Me, You shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, The Lord your God, am a jealous God.”

We all have things that we place value in, to the point of worshippin­g them, our world revolves around these things and we just cannot live without them. These things become the focus of our attention, effort, energy and time. They literally become what we live for, they take centre stage and become our source of strength.

As time progresses they transform themselves into a deity that we end up worshiping. Have you ever heard someone saying “I am slave to fashion, I will spend my last dollar on looking good.”? Others live for food, their whole lives centre around eating, while others are obsessed with work or sport. Their very existence is dependent on this, they eat, sleep and live for their work or their sports teams, and they actually end up becoming so obsessed with these activities that it becomes unhealthy.

Did you know that, on average, most people spend very little time in prayer and worship, they hardly consult of God or seek to interact with Him? They can hardly say a prayer and when they do pray it’s said in haste, their minds are filled with everything else except thoughts around God.

The Lord says He is a jealous God, meaning He cannot stand competitio­n; our thoughts and deeds should be centred on Him and Him alone. Apostasy is probably one of the worst sins one can ever commit. If there is anything that detaches you from God, it’s worshiping other Gods.

The children of Israel fell out and lost their treasured place in His heart when they devoted themselves to worshippin­g the Gods of the land they had conquered. They soon forgot where they had come from, how they had overcome their past tribulatio­ns and more importantl­y they stopped seeking God in their lives. Worshippin­g God became something that they did out of habit rather than from an inherent desire to do so.

Apostasy drives the presence of God away from one’s life, we are all seeking His guidance and divine will for our lives, and we must therefore play our part in setting our priorities right.

Things can get out of hand and before you know it, your time has been taken up by all these other things that have cropped up and taken centre stage in your life. For many, money is their God; they pray, worship, live and will die for it and even ruin relationsh­ips in the process, in a bid to have it.

Yet what we should be doing is investing our time in Him who giveth of all things, we sometimes make the mistake of praying to the item rather than the giver. Let’s get out priorities right, let’s set aside enough time each day to speak to, and hear the Lord. How can you possibly hear Him when the noise that makes up you life is so loud it drowns you and everything else?

Make a conscious effort to get your priorities right by avoiding wilfully worshiping other Gods and thus angering Him in the process. Take a close look at your life; rewind and reset the counter, start again and do the right thing.

He is yearning for your attention, begin to take the steps to set your ways in accordance with His will. Let history be a teacher to you and show you how others have erred and in turn, lost their birthright in the process. Do the right thing, worship Him and Him alone.

Be blessed REFLECTION­S OF A WORK IN PROGRESS . . . For More Info: Visit our website: Email us on Catch us on StarFM, Monday to Friday at 0620hours

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