Chronicle (Zimbabwe)

He will make it rain


Leviticus 26 vs 4

“I WILL send you rain in its season, and the ground will yield its crops and the trees of the field their fruit.”

Two years ago I decided to make use of the rainy season and plant some maize. A few months before the intended date of planting I had firmly resolved that I would ensure that I put something in the ground.

Closer to the start of the rainy season as was predicted; I began the preparatio­ns, which required me to source all the inputs required for the exercise. At every turn during the process of acquiring the inputs, I met different obstacles that prevented me from planting. I could not get the seeds and the tractors kept developing faults and they couldn’t function properly.

The rains began in earnest but I had missed the planting date that had been recommende­d by the seed companies. I was devastated, and to make it worse things kept going wrong, I could not get all the elements to come together. The rains persisted and as was predicted and it looked like it was going to be a great farming season after all, and I had missed it.

My heart was despondent and disappoint­ed; but neverthele­ss I kept trudging along until I had all the inputs together. The story of the inputs is a story for another day, it’s a miracle in itself, the Lord led me to some wonderful people who opened their hearts and assisted me.

Time being the elusive gift that it is, two and half months from the start of the season I was finally ready to start planting. So I got on with the business at hand, we planted by day and by night in between the rain and some major dry spells. We kept planting well after the recommende­d date.

I called my seed suppliers and asked when should I stop planting and they told me that, ideally, you should not go beyond the last day of December. I kept asking different people and they all told me that I should stop planting because it was late.

In faith and with a strong belief that God was urging me to keep planting, I continued. I called a friend who had assisted me in acquiring the seed and asked for her advice. She said that although it was late for a normal season and the agronomist­s were advising otherwise, I should continue.

I eventually finished planting approximat­ely a month after the cutoff date. The rains were becoming distinctly erratic and there were days where I would stand on my balcony, looking out at the field and say, “But Lord I feel you impressed it upon me that I should plant, it will be ok, what is happening now?” In between I would have moments of panic but I would go back to the promise in my heart.

During one prolonged dry spell, I started to put together irrigation equipment to try and save my crop that was now being ravaged by the sun. I was getting desperate. We managed to irrigate a section for a week and just as I was about to get more equipment to irrigate the whole field, the heavens opened and it began to rain again.

Four months from the recommende­d last date of planting, it was still raining, defying all the odds as we know them. The crop was looking good. Most of the people who had planted at the start of the season had to write off their crop because it had been scorched by the sun. They had planted based on the wisdom of the seasons they knew and what the agronomist­s had told them.

I stood amazed at the wonder of the crop in front of me, it was looking good. I was delighted when I reaped a bumper harvest, after all that.

How many times have people told you that “it’s impossible” or “it won’t happen” or “you are wasting your time, are you insane?” If there is one thing I have learned, it’s that the people who discourage you and stop you from doing things or seeing possibilit­ies based on their earthly eyes, are not God. There is only one God who reigns.

Are there things that you know you should be doing that have been impressed upon your heart that seem impossible? Is everyone telling you that it will never happen?

Today I want to publicly declare that absolutely nothing is impossible with God; the impossible is going to become possible in your life.

Believe in Him and He will give you a harvest long after the last date of planting has passed.

Be blessed

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