Chronicle (Zimbabwe)

The power of His Name



“THEN the seventy returned with joy, saying, “Lord, even the demons are subject to us in Your name.”

A few weeks ago I listened to someone speak of a spiritual experience that a relative had encountere­d. The individual would encounter dreams in the course of the night, these dreams were very disturbing and continued for a while until one night the individual shouted out in distress, “in the name of Jesus Christ leave me alone”, in an instant the nightmares stopped and they never returned.

So many of us are under some form of bondage or attack that we cannot quite explain or understand. The attack can manifest itself in so many ways, it could be that we experience temper tantrums that become uncontroll­able, it could be issues of our general well being and the relationsh­ips we have, whatever it is, it is something out of the ordinary that pulls us back rather than allow us to progress and move forward.

The list of things that hold us under bondage and affliction is endless, neverthele­ss we can all relate to the phenomena.

The Bible speaks about our struggle being against things that are not of flesh and blood, but against rulers, authoritie­s and powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realm.

This clearly tells us that some of our struggles, temptation­s and difficulti­es are against the backdrop of things that are totally beyond us. This knowledge of the issues that make up the background of our lives should give us some comfort as we experience things that cannot be explained or understood.

Very often it’s easier to attribute what we do not know to bad luck when in essence there is a deep spiritual war in the background.

Like you, I have experience­d certain behaviours that are totally incongruen­t with what we perceive to be normal and I have wondered where this is coming from.

Many of us are so caught up with the issues of the world that we have forgotten that no matter what bondage we are under, the mighty name of the Lord can rescue and free us.

Soon after hearing the testimony I spoke about, having remembered that the name of our Lord and Saviour bears so much power, I cried out in prayer for, and on behalf of, the people that I know who are going through a terrible time.

Sure enough, as the course of the day progressed, my friend began to experience a turnaround in their circumstan­ces. As I reflected on what had just happened I realised that all too often when we are confronted and challenged we break down, when rather what we should do is to call on the name of the Lord in faith.

His name has the power to change the course of any set of events, be it a hard heart, a deep emotional challenge, or difficult living conditions.

Faith is one of the most difficult things to manifest. It’s is easier to believe that breakthrou­ghs can only occur for others but the reality is that they can happen for you too.

How often have you evoked the name of Jesus Christ in your battles? There is power in His name.

Through Him we have the ability to fight these hidden forces that we don’t know that seek to make our lives a living hell on a daily basis.

Today, reflect deeply on your life and all the things that drag you down then call on Him to give you strength and fight for you to overcome. In His name lies immense power, try it today.

REFLECTION­S OF A WORK IN PROGRESS . . . For More Info: Visit our website: Email us on Catch us on StarFM, Monday to Friday at 0620hours

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