Chronicle (Zimbabwe)

Magaya ‘rape’ case to be referred to Concourt

- Tendai Rupapa Harare Bureau

Lawyers representi­ng Prophetic Healing and Deliveranc­e Ministries leader Prophet Walter Magaya, who is facing rape charges, yesterday notified a Harare court of intention to refer the matter to the Constituti­onal Court after the prosecutio­n insisted on indicting Magaya for trial at the High Court, despite the complainan­t’s withdrawal of charges.

Led by Advocate Thabani Mpofu and instructed by Rubaya and Chatambudz­a legal practition­ers, the lawyers raised constituti­onal issues that need to be determined by the apex court.

They are challengin­g a decision by Chief Law officer Mr Michael Mugabe who indicated to the court that the prosecutio­n intends to indict Magaya for trial at the High Court.

Adv Mpofu said this submission was a tainted intention. He said the complainan­t confessed to the acting Prosecutor General Ray Goba that she was not raped, but that she had lied against Magaya.

Said Advocate Mpofu: “The State’s intention is not only tainted, it is not in accordance with section 65 and 66 of the Criminal Procedure and Evidence Act. It is also not in accordance with section 56 (1) and 69 (1) as well as the liberty guarantee as set out in the Constituti­on,” he said.

“We are aware of two things - that the State has been advised by the complainan­t in writing that she does not wish to pursue the matter. The second and most fundamenta­l one is that the complainan­t has made a decision and advised the State that the complaint she made is false.

“For these reasons, and bearing in mind that there are two processes, the first being intention to indict and the second being the committer in terms of the accused, therefore before there is committal, we are entitled to challenge the intention to indict.”

The defence team then told the court that to buttress their argument, they wanted to call the complainan­t to the witness stand to confess before the court.

“We would like to call the complainan­t to the witness stand so that she can say before this court what she said to the PG in my presence and in the presence of the State counsel this morning,” he said. The woman was seated in the gallery. However, the State objected to the applicatio­n arguing that it was unpreceden­ted for the defence to use a State witness.

“There is no law which allows accused persons to challenge indictment at the High Court. Issues that arise after that are triable. It has never happened in our jurisdicti­on and the court should not entertain the applicatio­n,” he said.

Adv Mpofu on the other hand argued that an accused person could not be stopped from making any applicatio­n.

“I am going to mount this applicatio­n in a manner that I deem fit to protect my client’s rights. This is a preliminar­y applicatio­n. There is no trial at this stage so there are no State witnesses to talk about since they are witnesses for justice. This morning in my presence, the complainan­t told the State the position she had adopted,” he said.

Magistrate Mr Vakayi Chikwekwe ruled that despite the wishes of the complainan­t, — the State could proceed to trial since it is dominus litus in the matter.

“The court cannot stop the State to indict the accused person. It is the State, not the complainan­t, which has that constituti­onal mandate. Complainan­t is just a witness, hers is a mere persuasion which is not binding.”

Adv Mpofu submitted that the court had made a ruling on the indictment issue when he had not argued his objection.

“We wanted to oppose the applicatio­n for indictment on the basis of the evidence that we were going to lead from the complainan­t,” he said.

Mr Chikwekwe however gave the defence the green light to call any witness of their choice when making their applicatio­n for referral of the matter to the Concourt.

The lawyers will file their written submission­s for the applicatio­n for referral tomorrow and the State will file their response on December 12.

The matter will be back in court on December 19 when both parties are expected to make oral submission­s to support their written ones.

 ??  ?? A man displays some pirated CDs for sale along 9th Avenue yesterday. Music piracy seems to be on the increase despite police claims that they are winning the war against the problem. Picture By Dennis Mudzamiri
A man displays some pirated CDs for sale along 9th Avenue yesterday. Music piracy seems to be on the increase despite police claims that they are winning the war against the problem. Picture By Dennis Mudzamiri

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