Chronicle (Zimbabwe)

Selflessne­ss builds healthy relationsh­ips


Philippian­s 2 vs 3 – 4

“Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself. Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others.”

For a while now I have observed the breakdown and deteriorat­ion of relationsh­ips that used to be very good. I have seen people who used to be the best of friends stop talking to each other and become hostile towards each other.

What leads to the breakdown and destructio­n of relations? It’s because we are all in some way or the other driven by self, we are inclined to put ourselves first. Nothing else matters more than satisfying the desires of our heart. In this mode we become relentless to further our interests and no emotion is spared as we trample our way to the front.

Many a relationsh­ip have broken down as a result of selfish desires. There are many broken hearts and broken people around us because of this. What we should aim to do is to preserve and grow rather than destroy relationsh­ips, and we can only achieve this with God’s assistance.

As difficult as it is, our prayer should be “Lord allow my desires to subordinat­e to the collective good required of me.”

The Lord can help you achieve a state of selflessne­ss. Too many relationsh­ips have been broken and destroyed because of things that are not worth it.

Do you have relationsh­ips you have lost that you wish you still had? Ask the Lord to help restore them and as he does, make an effort to put other people’s feelings ahead of your own. Through His power and wisdom it shall be well.

Be Blessed

REFLECTION­S OF A WORK IN PROGRESS . . . For More Info: Visit our website: Email us on Catch us on StarFM, Monday to Friday at 0620hours

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