Chronicle (Zimbabwe)

The Chronicle


BULAWAYO, Tuesday, December 20, 1966 — Community mining schemes aimed at further expansion of Rhodesia’s mining industry were suggested by the Deputy Minister of Mines, Mr IB Dillon, in Bulawayo last night.

Mr Dillon, who was addressing a meeting of the Bulawayo and District Mining Associatio­n, said “the more people in Rhodesia with an active participat­ion interest in mining, the better for the country.’’

He said that for a long time profits from mining had been taken out of the country. With the community investing in mining, these profits would be ploughed back.

The pattern of such mining would develop throughout the country. Mr Dillon referred to one such mine in the Filabusi area.

Mr PH Gordon, chairman of the meeting, said the associatio­n was to investigat­e the possibilit­y of a community effort on the Lavrion copper claims, which were near Bulawayo. About 10 members were needed to subscribe £150 each to start developmen­t on these claims.

He said that whatever money was raised would be augmented on a pound-for –pound basis by the Government.

Mr Dillon, asked about mandatory sanctions and the mining industry, said: “I believe sanctions will hit us quite hard.” He pointed out, however, that when there was profit to be made “conscience goes through the window.”

“This mining industry has withstood sanctions for 13 months. The world is short of the minerals we produce. I believe countries, after a while, will disregard the dictates of the United Nations,” he said.

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