Chronicle (Zimbabwe)

CPU seeks $3,5m for flood victims new homes

- Pamela Shumba Senior Reporter

THE Tsholotsho District Civil Protection Unit (CPU) committee has started mobilising more than $3,5 million required to build 298 new homes for flood victims, with the process of pegging the stands having started.

The flood victims, who were moved to a temporary camp at Sipepa Hospital after their homes were destroyed by floods last month, will be moved to Tshino and Saudweni villages.

Tsholotsho District was the worst affected with more than 1 000 people being moved to a temporary camp in Sipepa.

Tsholotsho District Administra­tor Ms Gladys Zizhou said the process of pegging and allocating the stands had started at two villages.

She said each homestead was expected to cost about $12 000.

“The pegging process has started in Tshino and Saudweni villages where sites for the new homesteads, a school and a clinic have been identified.

“We’re also expecting experts from the Ministry of Environmen­t, Water and Climate to identify sites for boreholes.

“We’re also expecting the University of Bindura to assist with expertise as we embark on our project,” Ms Zizhou said.

She appealed to the corporate world and well-wishers to assist with building material and other resources for the project.

“We have identified sites for the new homesteads but we don’t have resources to start the project. Unfortunat­ely, this is a project that was not budgeted for. It’s a disaster that caught us unawares and it needs urgent attention.

“The flood victims have to be moved from the camp as soon as possible because the camp is not a healthy environmen­t for them.

“I’m therefore appealing to well-wishers to assist with building material so that we can build decent homes for our people,” said Ms Zizhou.

She also appealed for donations in cash and kind for the flood victims at the camp.

Ms Zizhou said the district CPU was finalising the paperwork for a Trust Fund which will enable wellwisher­s in and outside the country to help the flood victims.

Tsholotsho North MP Professor Jonathan Moyo recently said the flood victims would spend at least six months at the camp as resources are being mobilised to build new homes. — @ pamelashum­ba1

The Chronicle is co-ordinating donations to assist Tsholotsho floods victims and those with donations such as second hand clothes and other such items

should contact Editor’s secretary Estere Linje on 09-888871-9 or 0777952380 or bring such donations to the Chronicle at corner 9th Avenue and George Silundika Street.

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