Chronicle (Zimbabwe)

Sandy strikes right chord with Ingoma

- Showbiz Reporter

SANDRA ‘Sandy’ Ndebele has proven that hard work pays as she has got the whole country talking about her new track — Ingoma whose video has garnered over 10 000 views within three days of its release.

But for people to be interested in her single which features Mzoe 7, Sandy had to go all out with marketing, including physically going to all local radio stations for interviews on the days she released the track.

Weeks before launching the single, the artiste was very active on social media networks sending posters and videos to tease people as a way of counting down to the track’s release. This got people excited as they anticipate­d the launch of the song.

And when the day — Wednesday, March 8, 2017 — finally arrived, the country was eager to listen to the song Sandy had been going to town about. Those in Bulawayo — her home town — were the first to listen to it as it was first launched on Skyz Metro FM before being taken to national radio stations. Fortunatel­y, the song did not disappoint as it was quite catchy.

She did not stop there because the same day she released the track in Bulawayo is the day she travelled to Harare to service the rest of the country. Upon arriving in Harare last Thursday, she was met with warmness as all radio stations played her track and interviewe­d her to give her more mileage.

It did not stop there as fellow artistes, Jah Prayzah and Ammara Brown endorsed the track by sharing videos of their renditions of Ingoma.

Riding on that wave, Sandy released the song’s video on YouTube a day after embarking on flash mobs at several bars and nightclubs in Harare to further promote the track.

Today, the Ingoma video which was shot in Harare and Bulawayo and produced by Andy Cutta, is sitting on more than 10 000 YouTube views in less than four days showing that Sandy hit the right chord.

 ??  ?? Sandra Ndebele with Edith WeUtonga Sandra Ndebele and Mzoe7 perform at flash mob in Harare
Sandra Ndebele with Edith WeUtonga Sandra Ndebele and Mzoe7 perform at flash mob in Harare

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