Chronicle (Zimbabwe)

The Chronicle


BULAWAYO, Monday, May 11, 1992 — The Magwegwe Residents’ Associatio­n is to bail out 50 of its members who risk having their houses auctioned by the council because they are in rent arrears, says the chairman of the associatio­n, Mr Jareth Joe Ndlovu.

In an interview yesterday, Mr Ndlovu said about 50 members of the associatio­n may lose their houses because they owe the city council various amounts in rent arrears.

“We are not going to sit back and watch them lose their houses. As an associatio­n, we have resolved to assist destitute members with the payment of their rent arrears,” he said, He could not give the total amount owed by the 50 members, saying this was still being worked out.

Mr Ndlovu said this would be on the understand­ing that the people would pay back the money over an agreed period of time.

He said the money was to come from the associatio­n’s funds made up of joining fees, annual subscripti­ons and other money raised through fundraisin­g activities.

“Once we have paid the rent for these people, we will get them some lodgers to ensure that their rent accounts will not be in arrears again,” said Mr Ndlovu.

Last week, the city treasurer said the Bulawayo City Council was owed more than $9,6 million in residentia­l rent arrears for the first three months of this year.

He said the money was owed in rent arrears in respect of more than 25 000 houses in the city’s western suburbs.

During Friday’s meeting in Magwegwe, it was resolved that the associatio­n will approach the police for assistance in dealing with unscrupulo­us emergency taxi drivers.

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