Chronicle (Zimbabwe)

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IN Zimbabwe it is now a question of survival of the fittest, survival of the toughest, survival of the powerful. Civil servants get their salaries every month and they get bonus. Workers of City Councils get their salaries. Zesa employees get their salaries because their salaries are paid for by other workers while other workers are starving and living in poverty. — Chitekedzo, Nkulumane.

I PICKED an ID card, Medical aid card, a bank card and a new sim card for Tafadzwa Wayne Chiramba. Tafadzwa please contact me on 0772 986 644. — Irene Nleya.

I WELCOME the commission­ing of the Beitbridge­Chirundu Highway at last. It will ease congestion and avoid excessive road carnage. — Lovemore Kashawo, Harare.

SYSTEMS must be put in place in the public sector to pick fraud and corruption early for effective prosecutio­n. — Tatenda Muketiwa, Harare.

THE road rehabilita­tion programme that is underway is most welcome. This will go a long way in reducing the rate of accidents and improving the transport network. I just hope the programme will be extended to all deserving areas nationwide.— Lawrence “The penpusher” Moyo.

I ENCOURAGE today’s youths to also have commitment in whatever they will be doing. I think all the kids that are growing up need to be taught about the history of their country so that they understand what it took for us to be where we are today as a nation. Knowledge on the liberation struggle will encourage patriotism so that we can push our country forward. — Farai Chisango, Harare.

ALLOW me to appeal to the Government to closely monitor these command programmes to instil confidence in the agricultur­e sector. One good thing is that these command agricultur­e programmes are going to boost our economy and as such they should be monitored carefully. — Tonderai Harutsanye, Harare.

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