Chronicle (Zimbabwe)

Hospital sues former patient for $20 000

- Mashudu Netsianda

MATER DEI Hospital is suing a Hwange woman for more than $20 000 for medical expenses she incurred during her admission to the hospital.

The debt emanates from medical services and drugs supplied to Ms Leonorah Kakumbi by Mater Dei Hospital over an unspecifie­d period in 2015.

In papers before the Bulawayo High Court, Mater Dei Hospital cited Ms Kakumbi and her guarantor Mr Mkhululi Ndlovu as defendants.

Mr Ndlovu was cited as the second defendant by virtue of binding himself as a surety.

Ms Kakumbi was admitted to the Roman Catholicru­n hospital after she was diagnosed with an ailment which was not mentioned in the court papers.

According to the court papers, she owes the hospital $20 557,36 for medication and hospital services rendered.

Mater Dei Hospital through its lawyers, Coghlan and Welsh Legal Practition­ers said that despite having been given terms and time to pay, the defendants failed to settle the bill.

According to the hospital’s terms and conditions which were agreed upon between the defendants and the hospital, the money was supposed to be paid upon Kakumbi’s discharge. The cost of her treatment was to be payable upon presentati­on of the account by the hospital.

Lawyers stated that in the event that the hospital instituted legal proceeding­s against the defendants, the two undertook to pay the legal costs on attorney-client scale.

Mater Dei Hospital is claiming the money with an interest of five percent per annum calculated from the date of summons to the date of full and final payment and the cost of suit at attorney-client scale.

The defendants have not yet responded to the summons. — @mashnets.

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