Chronicle (Zimbabwe)

Concerted effort needed to prevent veld fires


EDITOR — The threat that veld fires pose to life of humans, animals and crops is not to be taken lightly.

Threats to life that result from veld fires may not necessaril­y be short term in nature such as death of a human or an animal after being burnt but also long term effects that compromise food security.

Pastures that are highly needed by livestock can also be destroyed leading to potential starvation for animals.

The land that has been consumed by veld fires in just a month is just too much to fathom.

Earlier this year, a family was burnt beyond recognitio­n because of veld fires. It seems as if fire cases are blossoming as this year’s record shows an increase compared to last year’s during the same period.

More is needed to be done to raise awareness among the people of Zimbabwe. All large pieces of land have to be divided by fire guards so that veld fires do not spread and destroy large pieces of land in the event that they occur.

Fire tragedies can easily happen because this is the time when vegetation is dry and the weather is characteri­sed by wind. These prevailing conditions promote the spread of veld fires.

Veld fires will also result in deforestat­ion that will lead to soil erosion. The whole chain of nature is affected by veld fires because our environmen­t is degraded massively. This calls for everyone to become responsibl­e and become protective of the land. Fires should not just be started for no reason and without monitoring. Tatenda Moyo, Gweru

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