Chronicle (Zimbabwe)

Your Mission


Exodus 9 vs 16

“But indeed for this purpose I have raised you up, that I may show My power in you, and that My name may be declared in all the earth.”

Conversati­on can sometimes be a great learning experience. As you interact with new people that you meet or simply engage with your normal circle, take time to really listen to what people say. In simple conversati­on you will sometimes pick up pearls of wisdom.

It is said that a prophet is seldom appreciate­d in his own home town, such it is with life that sometimes we write people off based on our understand­ing or perceived knowledge of them. It’s a bit like the biblical statement on Jesus; “what good can possibly come of Nazareth?”

In our daily exchanges we are sometimes caught up in that syndrome where we look at the person and then discount the message. Over a meal, someone shared with me a statement that got me thinking. The setting was purely social and very informal and it’s the last place I would have expected to come out with a lifetransf­orming gem but I did.

My friend said, “You know there is nothing that is scarier than to die having led an unfulfille­d life, where you did not pursue your destiny.” The statement was so profound for me because sometimes we are more caught up in the issues that surround life and everything else that we forget that we actually all have an ordained destiny to follow.

The time that has been allocated to us is specifical­ly for a purpose but many of us are guilty of squanderin­g the time allocated, the opportunit­ies granted, the health given and the gift of life in its entirety. We are so caught up in all the wrong things that we forget to discover and find out what our purpose in this life is.

Did you know that Jesus led a purpose driven life? He was given a mission and he was allocated time, thirtythre­e years to be precise, and he came and systematic­ally fulfilled his mission in the time that he was given. He was a good and faithful child. Interestin­gly, he suffered the same daily struggles that we deal with; rejection, persecutio­n, temptation and even pain.

We sometimes believe that we endure pain and suffering unnecessar­ily but God’s ordained also suffered the same, so who are we not to endure and experience the cross on a daily basis? Jesus came, he lived and he conquered, so should you and I. There is nothing more depressing than an unfulfille­d life that has been wasted.

We are all guilty of procrastin­ation or sometimes just allowing life to waste away. You were not put on this earth to vegetate and waste away, you were put here to be the best person you can possibly be. So wherever you are and whatever you may be doing, you have a calling to diligently be the best that you can be.

Life is precious, your life is even more precious, there is only one you and you were created in His image for His cause. We get so caught up in the storms of life and we become so distracted that we lose focus and sometimes give up but the truth is that He who created you has given you a work to do. He will provide you with the grace, strength and ability to live your life in this world with all its warts and thorns, like He did with Jesus.

Be the winner that He ordained you to be. Find your purpose, do the work you have been tasked with, and one day He will say, “Well done good and faithful servant, here is the crown you deserve for finishing the task and the race.”

Be blessed

REFLECTION­S OF A WORK IN PROGRESS . . . For more info: Visit our website: www.thefig-tree. org; e-mail us on; catch us on StarFM, Monday to Friday at 0620hours.

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