Chronicle (Zimbabwe)

‘Continuous’ EMA fines jolt Nkayi Rural District Council

- Mkhululi Ncube Chronicle Reporter Pastor Tawanda Mvere

NKAYI Rural District Council is seeking partners to upgrade its dumpsite to rid the area of litter to avoid being continuous­ly fined by the Environmen­t Management Agency (EMA).

Speaking during a clean-up campaign held at Nkayi centre recently, Nkayi RDC chief executive officer Mr Zimbabwe Ndlovu said they are looking for partners to work with council on the project.

“Our short term vision is to upgrade our dumpsite to meet minimum standards as contained in our statutes. However to achieve this we need support from stakeholde­rs,” said Mr Ndlovu.

He said they have already submitted their applicatio­n to undertake the project to EMA.

“We have managed to produce a prospectus for our site and it has been submitted to the Environmen­tal Management Agency who have done their necessary reviews and we are now seeking funds to upgrade it,” he said.

Mr Ndlovu said the current dumpsite was below standard which has seen council being fined by EMA on a number of occasions. He appealed to residents to prioritise paying rates.

“If we can get assistance from residents and our stakeholde­rs including EMA we will be able to realise our vision. Our long term vision of course is to have a properly constructe­d and managed landfill. This is a big vision and I know together united we can achieve it,” Mr Ndlovu said.

He said council has formed a waste management committee made up of various stakeholde­rs including churches, business and the traditiona­l leadership to fight littering.

“Allow me to urge all of you to prioritise waste management systems, adhering to the refuse collection schedule by properly handling refuse at house property level and availing it for collection on set days,” said Mr Ndlovu.—@themkhust

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