Chronicle (Zimbabwe)

Police find unidentifi­ed elderly woman’s body

- Nqobile Tshili

POLICE in Bulawayo have found a decomposin­g body of a woman suspected to be aged between 70 and 80 years in a bushy area in Trenance suburb.

The woman, whose identity has not been establishe­d, was found on Monday and her body was taken to the United Bulawayo Hospitals mortuary.

Bulawayo police spokespers­on Inspector Precious Simango yesterday said those with a missing female relative of about the same age should contact the police or go to the UBH mortuary.

“On Monday the police found a decomposin­g of a granny who could be aged between 70 and 80 years in a bushy area 25 metres from the gravel road in Trenance suburb. She is approximat­ely 1,6 metres tall and her body had reached an advanced stage of decomposit­ion,” said Insp Simango.

She said the woman was wearing a light green T-shirt, a light green skirt and was barefooted.

Insp Simango said since the discovery of the body, no one has come forward to make a missing person report of a person of about the same age.

“Those who may be missing a relative with the above descriptio­n may visit the UBH mortuary or get in contact with Zimbabwe Republic Police Sauerstown Police Station on 09 200960. They can also contact their nearest police station and will be assisted,” she said.

Insp Simango urged members of the public to always carry their identity particular­s so that in case of a mishap police can easily locate their relatives. — @nqotshili

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