Chronicle (Zimbabwe)

Plumtree introduces pre-paid parking

- Sukulwenko­si Dube-Matutu Plumtree Correspond­ent

PLUMTREE Town Council is set to introduce prepaid parking in the border town’s CBD beginning Monday next week as part of efforts to boost revenue collection.

Under the pre-paid parking system, reserved parking is going to be created for motorists who work within the CBD and they will be expected to pay a fixed parking fee.

In a notice, Plumtree Town Secretary Mr Davis Dumezweni Luthe said motorists were expected to pay 50 cents per 30 minutes and $1 per hour. The move is part of efforts to decongest the CBD and improve council cash inflows.

“Pre-paid parking will commence on the 16th of October along Thekwane Road in accordance with Municipal Traffic Laws Enforcemen­t Act Chapter 29:10, Traffic bylaws — clamping and tow away by-law.

“You are advised to buy parking discs at council revenue offices from 07:45 to 16:45 on Monday to Friday and Saturday from 08:00 to 13:00 so as to avoid inconvenie­nces. Parking discs can also be obtained from marshals who will be manning the street. Failure to display a parking disc will result in your vehicle being clamped,” he said.

Mr Luthe said controlled parking times will apply from Monday to Friday between 8AM to 5PM and Saturday from 8AM to 1PM.The local authority was set to introduce pre-paid parking early this year but the initiative was suspended pending final modalities.

Mr Luthe recently said the money that would be collected through paid parking would augment money collected through road levies. Motorists in the border town expressed mixed feelings over the pre-paid parking system as some felt it would help improve service delivery while others said they would now be forced to avoid parking in the CBD to evade parking fees.

“This is a good initiative by council as it will help boost cash inflows and in return council can improve on service delivery. We hope that this money that will be collected will be directed towards maintainin­g roads as some of them are in a poor condition which greatly affects us as motorists,” said Ms Naomi Khumalo who stays in Hebron Suburb.

Mr Fanuel Moyo of Mathendele Suburb said paying parking fees would be an uphill battle for many considerin­g the prevailing harsh economic conditions.

“It’s really hard to come by cash these days and the parking fees will only make our lives as motorists difficult. Anyway since it will only be implemente­d in the CBD I will be forced to park my car outside the CBD and do my business around the CBD while moving around on foot,” he said. — @DubeMatutu

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