Chronicle (Zimbabwe)

Young poet rocks at 9

- Langalakhe Mabena

THE apple does not fall far from the tree!

Born nine years ago to Desire Moyo, the Director of Victory Siyanqoba and actresscum-dancer Esther Zitha, Methembe Moyo has proven to be a poetic gem who despite his age, has always kept the audience captivated owing to his prowess on the stage.

The young poet, who graced the opening ceremony of Bulawayo Arts Awards’ first edition this year, announced his arrival on the poetry scene courtesy of his poem titled Hhmn Ngiyasola.

As a result, the multitudes were stunned when the young star, fondly known as Oxide Junior, did justice to his set.

Unlike his father who is a protest poet, the Sigombe Primary School pupil is a gospel poet who recites ballads and sonnets which are a social commentary on goodwill focusing on Biblical issues and HIV/Aids.

Asked on how Methembe became a poet, his father, a former director of Missing Piece Performing Arts and Manama High School Drama Club, claimed the youngster discovered himself.

“Methembe discovered himself, every time he watched me perform he would say, ‘Dad I can do better than you’. One day his mother asked me to give him an opportunit­y to perform for the two of us. I almost cried when he recited my own poem like I penned it especially for him,” said Moyo who is also a teacher by profession.

The youngster’s talent was seemingly given a nod by renowned former Radio Two presenter Ezra Tshisa Sibanda who recorded Methembe’s performanc­e and later on posted the video on his Facebook page. The video has attracted over 15 000 views. “Methembe is a gem, like they say the apple does not fall far away from its tree. With good guidance from his parents who are also into the arts, it is of no surprise that the youngster will become the next Albert Nyathi or even go beyond that”, said Sibanda.

To prove his talent, Methembe came out number three at Albert Nyathi’s Talent Search beating mature poets, some twice his age. He also came number five out of 22 competitor­s who took part in the National Aids Council Competitio­n which was held last month in commemorat­ion of the World Aids Day.

The young star is set to release a poetry album in December which will be launched at the Sepiso Sa Rona, an annual Human Rights Poetry Festival which will be held in Gwanda South.

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