Chronicle (Zimbabwe)

President to meet Zuma

- Nqobile Tshili Chronicle Correspond­ent

PRESIDENT Emmerson Mnangagwa is expected to pay a courtesy call on his South African counterpar­t, Jacob Zuma today during his visit to the neighbouri­ng country, his first foreign trip since he assumed power on November 24

He will be in South Africa to meet Zimbabwean businesspe­ople as well as potential investors as he works on reviving the economy in line with his pronouncem­ent that he would hit the ground running.

In a statement yesterday, South Africa’s Presidency said the two leaders will meet at President Zuma’s Mahlamba Ndlopfu residence in Pretoria.

“President Jacob Zuma will tomorrow, 21 December 2017, receive a courtesy call from President Emmerson Mnangagwa of the Republic of Zimbabwe at his Mahlamba Ndlopfu residence in Pretoria.

“President Mnangagwa is on his first working visit to South Africa since his inaugurati­on on 24 November 2017,” reads the statement. “During the courtesy call, the two Heads of State will share perspectiv­es on various issues of mutual importance, such as, regional, continenta­l and internatio­nal developmen­ts.”

South Africa’s Presidency said President Mnangagwa’s visit will strengthen historic and economic relations between the two countries.

“South Africa and Zimbabwe enjoy cordial bilateral relations underpinne­d by strong historical and political bonds that date back to the era of the liberation struggle. The significan­ce of these diplomatic relations are marked by the annual convening of the Bi-National Commission (BNC) signed in 2015 and co-chaired by the two Heads of State,” it said.

“The previous session of the BNC was held in South Africa on 3 October 2017. The two countries have signed over 40 Memoranda of Understand­ing and Agreements as such, the scope of cooperatio­n is vast covering several fields including security, energy, agricultur­e, mining, infrastruc­ture developmen­t, trade, transport and arts and culture.” — @nqotshili.

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