Chronicle (Zimbabwe)

The Chronicle


BULAWAYO, Thursday, December 21, 1967 — Mr Samuel Moyo told Bulawayo Regional Court magistrate, Mr St J Burton, yesterday that he was held up at gunpoint in Mzilikazi African Township, Bulawayo, on October 27 and forced to hand over 25s.

He was giving evidence in a case in which Silos Zeketani was jailed for two years and 11 months for housebreak­ing with intent to steal and theft and robbery.

Zeketani pleaded guilty to breaking into the Sixth Form College in Fairbridge Way on October 20 and stealing £6 cash and again breaking into the college on October 22 to commit a crime to the prosecutor unknown.

He pleaded not guilty to breaking into the home of Mr Arthur Raywid at 100 Percy Avenue, Hilllside, Bulawayo, and stealing a revolver, bottles of beer and 15 American dollars, and threatenin­g to shoot Mr Moyo.

Mr Moyo said Zeketani approached him in the street. Zeketani had something in his hand which was covered by a cloth. Zeketani pointed a revolver at his neck and he gave Zeketani 25s. Zeketani demanded that he be taken to a place where he could sleep.

Mr Moyo said he took Zeketani to his home and when he fell asleep he took the revolver away from Zeketani and ran to his brother’s house before reporting to the police.

Mr Burton sentenced Zeketani to six months and four months jail for breaking into the Sixth Form College, two years for breaking into a house in Percy Avenue, and three years for threatenin­g to shoot Mr Moyo. He conditiona­lly suspended half of the sentence for three years.

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