Chronicle (Zimbabwe)

War vets hail Rugeje appointmen­t

- Nduduzo Tshuma Political Editor

THE Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans Associatio­n has hailed the appointmen­t of Lieutenant­General Engelbert Rugeje as the Zanu-PF national political commissar saying the move will help reconnect the party with its liberation ethos.

Lt Gen Rugeje, a veteran of the liberation war, was appointed by President Emmerson Mnangagwa into the Zanu-PF Politburo during the party’s extra ordinary congress last Friday replacing Mr Saviour Kasukuwere who was expelled along with 25 other members of the G40 cabal.

The President also appointed Cde Oppah Muchinguri-Kashiri as the party’s chairperso­n among a number of appointmen­ts.

War veterans are on record calling for the deployment of a person with liberation credential­s to the Zanu-PF commissari­at department so that they guide the party in accordance with the party’s liberation ethos.

They condemned the conduct of Mr Kasukuwere, a key member of the G40 cabal, who used the position to purge perceived enemies of his clique especially targeting party cadres with a liberation background.

ZNLWVA spokespers­on Cde Douglas Mahiya yesterday said Lt Gen Rugeje’s appointmen­t marks a shift towards getting the party back on the rails in the aftermath of the chaotic and destabilis­ing politics of the G40 cabal.

“We hail his appointmen­t to the position of political commissar. Remember, we have always encouraged the party to deploy someone with a liberation background in the party’s commissari­at department.

“It is the articulati­on of the revolution­ary principles and ethos that should guide the party in its activities,” he said.

“The party and the people will benefit from those principles. We will be able to actually position the party in its former position, that of a party guided by the liberation principles and ideology.”

Political analyst Mr Richard Mahomva weighed in saying the party’s ideologica­l values need to be celebrated and imparted especially on the youth.

“Cde Rugeje’s appointmen­t is quite significan­t in addressing the long dismissal of war veterans’ participat­ion in the party. Therefore, his tenure must play a decisive role in anchoring long lasting binding terms to unity in the party and country at large,” he said.

Mr Mahomva said, in line with President Mnangagwa’s address at the Zanu-PF extraordin­ary congress, the party must connect with the youth and impart the liberation tradition and ideology to future commissar s.

“That way, ideologica­l values of the party will be carried into the future,” he said.

Addressing Zanu-PF members as he opened the congress, President Mnangagwa said the G40 faction and their destructiv­e politics had not only destabilis­ed Zanu-PF but also brought confusion in the country.

“It had destabilis­ed the party, causing absolute divisions and disquiet in the nation which sat on edge. The party ideology, rules and protocols were being desecrated daily; or simply being brushed aside at will,” said President Mnangagwa.

“Party structures were overrun, while elected officebear­ers were summarily suspended and dismissed at speeds of caprice and vaulting ambition. Corrupt activities and corrupt individual­s were daily sanitised while millions of dollars were being stolen and stashed outside the country.”

President Mnangagwa said the G40 cabal created a self-serving environmen­t that shielded corrupt tendencies and criminals.

“The economy bled from repeated rampant smuggling. The country was violated with impunity. Disaffecti­on was building especially from among the youths who were seeing their hopes of a bright future slipping away,” he said.

“Veterans who had sacrificed to liberate this country were not just being reviled; they were being abused and incarcerat­ed on flimsy pretexts.

“Party events were manipulati­vely re-engineered to contrive a show of popularity and unanimity. Party mobilisati­on was reduced to coercion. Party rallies became expensivel­y choreograp­hed pseudo-events dominated by a roving core group which used different venues in order to create a misleading illusion of populism which belied the bitter discontent which simmered beneath, threatenin­g to boil.”

The Zanu-PF First Secretary said the G40 group derailed the ruling party from a progressiv­e and people oriented organisati­on.

“Let us draw lessons from all that happened. We must vehemently defend to the hilt the party values, cultures and traditions.

“Revolution­s do get infiltrate­d and corrupted and once corrupted, they degenerate and lose direction,” said President Mnangagwa.

“We must never lower our guard and must arrest any negative tendencies that creep into the party to hold, corrupt and alienate us.”

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