Chronicle (Zimbabwe)

Pray for President, churches urged

- Chronicle Reporter

THE leader of the Apostolic Faith Church in Southern Africa, Reverend Richard Sibanda, has urged churches to pray for President Emmerson Mnangagwa so that he gets spiritual guidance in implementi­ng Government policies aimed at growing the country’s economy.

Rev Sibanda made the remarks while addressing thousands of congregant­s gathered at the church’s regional headquarte­rs in Bulawayo’s Pelandaba suburb for the ongoing 62nd annual camp meeting.

“We are all aware that our country has a new President, His Excellence Cde Emmerson Mnangagwa. He needs our prayers so that God guides him as he pursues economic policies that will grow our economy and benefit us all. As Christians and the nation as a whole, we have an obligation to pray for him because all leaders are from God and they need spiritual support from Christians,” he said.

Rev Sibanda also urged people to pray for good rains to ensure food security in the country.

The church leadership has in the past openly called for the removal of illegal Western sanctions imposed on Zimbabwe, saying they were causing untold suffering to the nation.

The annual convention has drawn more than 3 000 congregant­s from the entire Sadc region and the country’s 10 provinces. The camp meeting, which is being held under the theme: “The remission of sins” started on December 17 and ends on January 1.

The church, commonly known as Ivangeli/ Vhangeri, has a large following in the entire Sadc region. It was founded in 1955 by the late Reverend Morgan Sengwayo.

Rev Sengwayo’s son, Freedom, who is also late, was a renowned religious figure and a gospel musician. He was also one of the country’s pioneer gospel singers famed for his anti-apartheid hit song Thula Sizwe, which was composed in the early 1970s.

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