Chronicle (Zimbabwe)

Man ‘waylaid’, axed, battles for life

- Whinsley Masara Chronicle Reporter

A MAN from Bulawayo is battling for life after he was allegedly axed on the head by two unidentifi­ed assailants, police confirmed.

Ali Jele (24) of Douglasdal­e suburb was axed while on his way home from work at Siphilanzi­ma Shopping Centre.

He later told police his attackers had asked him his name.

Once he told them, they allegedly celebrated and claimed he was the person they were looking for, before axing him.

The incident occurred at around 6AM last Tuesday along a foot path about one kilometre away from the shops.

After gaining consciousn­ess, Jele crawled back to the shopping centre.

He was assisted by police officers who arrived at Siphilanzi­ma Shopping Centre to hold a crime awareness campaign.

Patrons at a bar at the shopping centre told The Chronicle that they saw the bloodied Jele dragging himself towards the shopping centre on his tummy while propping himself up with his elbows.

They said everyone panicked and seeing how badly injured he was and the way he was weak, some suggested he be fed while others called an ambulance.

A police crew however, arrived and he was rushed to the United Bulawayo Hospitals.

“He had just left for his home after knocking off from a night shift at the centre. We saw him come back bleeding from the head. Shocked by his state, we took him to the restaurant. We wanted to get him something to eat.

“Police arrived at the shops and quickly rushed him to hospital,” said a patron, Mr Richard Mthembo.

Mr Mthembo said when they asked him what had happened to him, he did not respond as he was too weak to talk.

Bulawayo police spokespers­on Inspector Precious Simango said police were investigat­ing the case. She said the suspects were still at large.

“We are investigat­ing a case of attempted murder. A 24-year-old man from Douglasdal­e suburb was allegedly axed by two unidentifi­ed man. They fled from the scene soon after committing the crime,” said Insp Simango.

She said police were concerned about violence as lives were being lost unnecessar­ily.

“We urge members of the public to avoid engaging in unnecessar­y arguments which in most cases result in violence. When caught up in a misunderst­anding, it’s always best to walk away than to fight as violence does not solve problems,” she said.

A source that preferred anonymity said two axe wielding man approached Jele as he walked alone on the foot path.

“They asked him his name and he innocently told them, not suspecting any harm. They quickly jumped for joy saying he was exactly the person they were looking for. Without saying anything, one of the suspects aimed for Jele’s head and he fell to the ground, unconsciou­s.

“We suspect they thought he had died and they fled from the scene. When Jele gained consciousn­ess, he crawled back to the shopping centre where he sought help,” said the source. — @winnie_masara.

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