Chronicle (Zimbabwe)

The wonder of his creation


Job 12 vs 7-9

“But now ask the beasts, and they will teach you; And the birds of the air, and they will tell you; Or speak to the earth, and it will teach you; And the fish of the sea will explain to you. Who among all these does not know that the hand of the Lord has done this”

Sometimes we take the majesty and beauty that is found in animals for granted. Most of us have an inherent fear of animals, save for those that we have domesticat­ed. Yet if we move beyond that fear we will discover an amazing handiwork that only GOD could have made possible.

The detail that can be seen in these amazing creations - the colors, the design, and the way they live, shows a GOD with an ability to create beyond measure. Look closely at the rhino, the flamingo, the elephant, the kangaroo, and all the different birds, fish and mammals. What an amazing GOD we serve!

We all go through moments when the weight of the world is upon us and our ability to see and appreciate the LORD and His handiwork is clouded. The things we often take for granted have the greatest ability to bear testimony and to reaffirm that God is there.

Pick an animal, take time to understand its features, its capabiliti­es, its habits, and its reproducti­ve cycle. Only a living, diligent GOD could have dreamt up and created such detail around these creatures that make up our world.

As I watched a documentar­y about an animal that’s only found in one continent, the koala, its gentle and amenable features stood out. When we dig deeper into the little things that surround us and understand their lives and how we coexist in God’s world, we can’t help but stand in admiration.

Find something that will reaffirm to you that the LORD is there and that His ability to create is endless. This will make you realise that what you see today, He can do in equal measure for you or whatever situation you may be in. Imagine the most unlikely, the weirdest, the most glorious; He can do it.

Be blessed

REFLECTION­S OF A WORK IN PROGRESS . . . For more info: Visit our website: www.thefig-tree. org; e-mail us on; catch us on StarFM, Monday to Friday at 0620hours.

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