Chronicle (Zimbabwe)

Chronicle SMS/WhatsApp


WhatsApp ADVICE To motorists; Be always on the lookout for mentally challenged persons who normally use our roads as sometimes they cross willy-nilly and are vulnerable to road accidents! — Lovemore Kashawo.

JANUARY advice: Flollowing the outbreakj of Cholera in Zambia, we need as Zimbabwean­s to brace for the fight against this menace . — Lovemore Kashawo.

Twitter I HOPE the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission office understand­s that their success rate is measured by CONVICTION­S and not ARRESTS only. — @ MGwenhamo.

Response to “ED calls varsities, polytechs to action.” PEOPLE should learn and create jobs. They should form companies, employ people and aim higher. That meeting opens a way for further discussion­s and debates. Industry must now meet with education providers to discuss what products they want churned out by varsities. — @LeoJarz.

Facebook Response to “Highfield MP Maziwisa, Pambuka arrested”. HOW is a person who was awarded a tender guilty of a criminal offence? Surely if an entity fails to observe its own tender procedures the fault lies with management of that organisati­on, not the one who is awarded. It is like ZESA giving me a job without conducting an interview; am I guilty of a crime if I go on to accept that job? This is a waste of ZACC resources and court’s time.— Chenhamo Mutengure.

Response to “Chaos rocks MDC-T as bigwigs boycott meeting”. MORGAN Tsvangirai should rest. The party needs an able-bodied candidate and the party’s constituti­on says party members must vote for the person. Honestly, how can the party field a candidate who is ill? MDC needs an Operation Restore Legacy. — Yowe.

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