Chronicle (Zimbabwe)

The Chronicle


BULAWAYO, Tuesday, March 16, 1993 — A Cabinet minister has blamed political interferen­ce of bogging down efficiency in the civil service and called for more profession­alism in Government department­s.

Addressing an employers’ conference on productivi­ty, management and improvemen­t under the Economic Structural Adjustment Programme (ESAP), the Minister of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare, Cde John Nkomo, said a reduction in the number of civil servants alone would not bring about efficiency but there was a need to introduce profession­al direction.

“The answer does not lie in reducing the size of the civil service alone, and we have to introduce programmes to raise awareness and commitment in the civil servants”, he said.

Last year, the Government abolished more then 9 000 posts in the civil service as part of the Economic Structural Adjustment Programme.

Those retrenched included 179 secretarie­s and deputy secretarie­s.

Cde Nkomo said even though some people may argue that there was need for political direction in running the civil service, the current economic changes in the country were against such a move.

Turning to ESAP, Cde Nkomo said the programme had been successful despite the devastatin­g drought last year which resulted in more workers being retrenched.

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