Chronicle (Zimbabwe)

Danes laugh off comments that Ramadan poses risks


MUSLIMS in Denmark have laughed off the suggestion of integratio­n minister that Muslims take time off work during Ramadan to avoid potential safety risks that fasting may cause to the rest of society.

Integratio­n Minister Inger Stoejberg, an immigratio­n hardliner in Denmark’s centre-right government, questioned in a blog post published on Monday how “commanding observance to a 1 400-year-old pillar of Islam” was compatible with modern labour markets.

In her post published by Danish Berlingske Tidende (BT) newspaper, Stoejberg cited bus drivers and hospital employees as examples of workers whose performanc­e could be affected by foregoing food and drink during daylight hours of the holy month.

Suggesting that fasting could affect “safety and productivi­ty”, Stoejberg urged all Muslims to take leave from work during Ramadan.

“I want to call on Muslims to take leave from work during the month of Ramadan to avoid negative consequenc­es for the rest of Danish society,” she said.

Danish Muslims received her comments with mockery, saying that they were unfounded and best to be ignored.

Gina al-Farra, consultant radiologis­t who works 14-hour shifts at the Herleve-Gentofte University Hospital in Copenhagen while fasting, told Al Jazeera that she has never faced any problems.

“I take short breaks but I find no issues doing my work while fasting,” said al-Farra. — Al Jazeera

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