Chronicle (Zimbabwe)

Tendai Biti violence timeline


From Page 1 After they failed to meet Justice Chigumba, Biti threatened to hunt down ZEC officials and drag them out of their homes and lynch them on the streets. ZEC officials later lodged a complaint with the police over the issue.

July 11: Biti said; “We will be leading from the front, we will be living on the streets. We are not going to allow this election to be stolen. They can kill us, we are prepared to die for a free, fair and credible election.”

July 13: In an interview with 1st TV, Biti said: “If they cheat us, they will have to kill us on the street.”

July 15: At an MDC Alliance campaign rally in Masvingo, Biti said: “We will be leading from the front. We will be living on the streets. We have said this over and over again, there will be no voting. We are not boycotting the election. There will be no election.”

July 23: At a rally in Mkoba, Gweru, the MDC Alliance threatened post-election violence in the event that it lost the July 30 polls, as its leaders expected nothing less than victory.

July 26: Biti told South African publicatio­n Daily Maverick, “If they want to shoot us, we are prepared for it. If they want to throw us in Chikurubi, we welcome it.” He also vowed to make Zimbabwe ungovernab­le if the MDC Alliance lost the elections.

July 31: At a press conference in Harare Biti declared that the MDC Alliance had won the election even though the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission was still tallying and counting the ballots. He claimed that he was the target of an assassinat­ion ordered by Vice President Constantin­o Chiwenga.

“We have received a confidenti­al report that General Chiwenga has ordered the assassinat­ion of Nelson Chamisa and myself. We will not accept that.”

August 5: During an interview with Daily Maverick Biti said: “The internatio­nal community is not going to be fooled by this madness. We will make sure the Government will not get a single cent. I can’t tell you how, but I can tell you we have done it before.”

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