Chronicle (Zimbabwe)

US threatens ICC judges with sanctions over war crimes probe


THE United States launched a blistering verbal attack on the Internatio­nal Criminal Court (ICC) and threatened sanctions against its judges if they proceed with a probe into alleged war crimes by Americans in Afghanista­n.

John Bolton, President Donald Trump’s national security adviser, made the announceme­nt in a speech to the Federalist Society, a conservati­ve group, in Washington, DC, on Monday.

“Today, on the eve of September 11th, I want to deliver a clear and unambiguou­s message on behalf of the president. The United States will use any means necessary to protect our citizens and those of our allies from unjust prosecutio­n by this illegitima­te court,” Bolton said.

“We will not cooperate with the ICC. We will provide no assistance to the ICC . . . We will let the ICC die on its own. After all, for all intents and purposes, the ICC is already dead to us.”

In 2016, The Hague-based court said members of the US armed forces and the CIA might have committed war crimes by torturing detainees in Afghanista­n.

Establishe­d in 2002 under the Rome Statute, the ICC is the world’s first permanent court set up to prosecute war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide. More than 120 countries are members, but superpower­s — including the US, Russia and China — have not signed up.

On the ICC, Bolton said if any investigat­ions go ahead on alleged US war crimes, the Trump administra­tion will consider banning judges and prosecutor­s from entering the country, put sanctions on any funds they have in the US financial system, and prosecute them in US courts.

Bolton said the main objection is the idea that the ICC could have higher authority than the US constituti­on and US sovereignt­y. “In secular terms, we don’t recognise any higher authority than the US constituti­on,” he said. “This president will not allow American citizens to be prosecuted by foreign bureaucrat­s, and he will not allow other nations to dictate our means of self-defence.”

It was Bolton’s first major address since joining the Trump administra­tion. He was previously the US ambassador to the United Nations during the George W Bush government and fought against the ICC in the 2000s. “The Internatio­nal Criminal Court constitute­d an assault on the constituti­onal rights of the American people and the sovereignt­y of the United States,” he said.

“At President Bush’s direction, we next launched a global diplomatic campaign to protect Americans from being delivered into the ICC’s hands. We negotiated about 100 binding, bilateral agreements to prevent other countries from delivering US personnel to the ICC. It remains one of my proudest achievemen­ts.”

Bolton said the US would “not sit quietly” if the ICC came after it, Israel, or other US allies.

Following Bolton’s remarks, the ICC said that would continue its work as an independen­t and impartial institutio­n, backed by 123 countries.

“The ICC, as a court of law, will continue to do its work undeterred, in accordance with those principles and the overarchin­g idea of the rule of law,” it said in a statement.

Bolton also announced the closure of the Palestine Liberation Organisati­on (PLO) office in Washington, DC, because of the Palestinia­n attempt to get the ICC to investigat­e Israel for crimes committed during its decades-long occupation of Palestine. The national security adviser’s announceme­nt drew applause from the conservati­ve crowd but was sharply criticised by Palestinia­n leaders and officials.

The action against the PLO is the latest in a series of measures by the Trump administra­tion against the Palestinia­n leadership.

“It is a declaratio­n of war on efforts to bring peace to our country and the region,” PA spokesman Yousef al-Mahmoud was quoted as saying by Wafa news agency. PLO Secretary-General Saeb Erekat said in a statement the decision was “yet another affirmatio­n of the Trump administra­tion’s policy to collective­ly punish the Palestinia­n people, including by cutting financial support for humanitari­an services including health and education”. — Al Jazeera

 ??  ?? Tanks roll during exercises in the Chita region, eastern Siberia, during Vostok-2018. — AP
Tanks roll during exercises in the Chita region, eastern Siberia, during Vostok-2018. — AP

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