Chronicle (Zimbabwe)

MDC-A demonstrat­ions

Govt defends police position

- Zvamaida Murwira

THE Zimbabwe Republic Police is an independen­t arm of the State which exercised its discretion upon assessing the security situation in the country before it issued a prohibitio­n order against the MDC-Alliance’s intended demonstrat­ion last week, a Cabinet Minister said.

Foreign Affairs and Internatio­nal Trade Minister, Dr Sibusiso Moyo, said the police’s decision barring the planned demonstrat­ion was subjected to a legal test when the MDC Alliance challenged it in the High Court but lost the bid to have it prohibitio­n order nullified.

Minister Moyo said this yesterday while responding to questions from journalist­s during a post-Cabinet briefing which was held in Harare yesterday.

He had been asked to comment on a statement issued by some European Union countries condemning the police action during an attempt by supporters of the MDC Alliance to stage an illegal demonstrat­ion in Harare.

“To try and bring the issue of the police reaction is not fair. The police is an independen­t organ of the State, which makes its own assessment and which deals with the situation as they assess and they made a legal position and they presented it. It was challenged and unfortunat­ely the challenge was not successful, but thereafter they proceeded with the demonstrat­ion which was fundamenta­lly an illegal demonstrat­ion in terms of the law,” said Minister Moyo.

“Whether the police used excessive force or not, we will always desire as Government, that police use commensura­te force when responding to demonstrat­ions. It is a subjective matter to say at what point. When the protestors wanted to enter Munhumutap­a here, what would have police done except to throw smoke. We must be clear about the circumstan­ces.”

On whether the concerns raised by the EU countries would not further strain relations and affect re-engagement efforts, Minister Moyo said Government had resolved to move on with or without sanctions.

“Re-engagement is a process, it is not an event. It takes two, one thing this dispensati­on and this Government has decided is that we must move on with or without sanctions because we believe that sanctions are now outdated. Sanctions are outdated and they must go. Sadc has said that as well as the African Union,” said Minister Moyo.

Some MDC Alliance supporters clashed with the police last Friday in central Harare after they tried to defy police citing security reasons to issue a prohibitio­n order barring them from conducting a demonstrat­ion.

The prohibitio­n order was subsequent­ly upheld by the High Court after the MDC Alliance sought to challenge its validity.

 ??  ?? Informatio­n, Publicity and Broadcasti­ng Services Minister Monica Mutsvangwa addresses the media while flanked by Mines and Mining Developmen­t Minister Winston Chitando (left), Chief Secretary to the President and Cabinet Dr Misheck Sibanda (second from right) and Energy and Power Developmen­t Minister Fortune Chasi in Harare yesterday (Picture by Tawanda Mudimu)
Informatio­n, Publicity and Broadcasti­ng Services Minister Monica Mutsvangwa addresses the media while flanked by Mines and Mining Developmen­t Minister Winston Chitando (left), Chief Secretary to the President and Cabinet Dr Misheck Sibanda (second from right) and Energy and Power Developmen­t Minister Fortune Chasi in Harare yesterday (Picture by Tawanda Mudimu)
 ??  ?? President Emmerson Mnangagwa
President Emmerson Mnangagwa

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