Chronicle (Zimbabwe)

President to meet 10-member Zanu-PF corruption busters

- Joseph Madzimure Harare Bureau

PRESIDENT Mnangagwa will soon meet and assign terms of reference to a 10-member commission of inquiry appointed by Zanu-PF to investigat­e allegation­s of corruption levelled against senior party members, secretary for administra­tion Dr Obert Mpofu has said.

The appointmen­t of the commission of inquiry is in line with party’s quest to intensify the fight against corruption in the country.

In an interview yesterday, Dr Mpofu said the team would meet President Mnangagwa soon in order to be given their terms of reference before they start work.

Dr Mpofu said Harare province has seconded Cde Jacob Masuku Mawombera to the commission of inquiry.

“As you are aware, the party was waiting for Harare province to submit the name of their preferred Central Committee member to be part of the commission of inquiry. They have finally submitted their preferred candidate, Cde Mawombera.

“Harare province has submitted their name and very soon the President will announce the board chair. The other nine provinces submitted their names earlier. The Politburo has already announced the names from other provinces.

“The commission of inquiry team will meet with the President for terms of reference at a date to be announced. President Mnangagwa will then appoint the chair who will lead the team during their line of duty, so that they hit the ground running.

“The President will give direction to the teams on what needs to be done,” said Dr Mpofu.

The commission include Cdes William Mutomba (Manicaland), Sheilla Mabasa, (Mashonalan­d West), Hillary Masaiti Mombeshora (Mashonalan­d Central), Max Zvidzai (Midlands), Tshinga Dube (Bulawayo), Rodwell Zinyemba (Mashonalan­d East), Sibangumuz­i Khumalo (Matabelela­nd North), Patrick Hove (Matabelela­nd South) and Clemence Makwarimba (Masvingo).

The move follows the decision by the Zanu-PF Youth League to name and shame people accused of corruption in the country.

President Mnangagwa recently directed all provinces to nominate Central Committee members to the commission of inquiry to investigat­e party bigwigs allegedly involved in corrupt activities.

 ??  ?? President Mnangagwa
President Mnangagwa

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