Chronicle (Zimbabwe)

Letters to the Editor Demonstrat­ions, to what end?


through violent protests.

Zimbabwean­s have not forgotten the riots of January 19-23, 1998, which left seven people dead, and thousands of innocent citizens smarting from massive losses due to looting and violence. This culture of riotous behaviour is traceable to the same people and organisati­ons that continue to clamour for the so called change through violent demonstrat­ions. Student activism refuse to ebb in the grown, yet immature men in our opposition politics.

Buoyed by violence and the warped belief that citizens were apt for change, the Movement for Democratic Change under the wing of the trade unionist Morgan Tsvangirai, took to the political stage in 1999, and since then has been causing havoc through calculated manoeuvres meant to usher in a new era of puppetry through violent demonstrat­ions.

Seeking political office through the backdoor reeks of selfish individual­istic tendencies, which pervades Zimbabwean politics; and the opposition has perfected the art of political chicanery to boot. Calling for demonstrat­ions, whether sanctioned or unsanction­ed, is not what the country needs at the moment. Protests by their nature serve no purpose, especially when the reasons for them are not clearly articulate­d through a shared vision that facilitate­s nationhood.

Yes, it may be constituti­onal to express displeasur­e by exposing our nakedness for all and sundry to gloat over, but at the end of the day it remains us and our nudity, in the rheumy eyes of a world too blind to even take notice.

If shame doesn’t mean anything to a people, then the word should be given new meaning, for there is no better way of picking up the pieces of a semblance of humanity than self-expression of ignominy.

The MDC Alliance publicly claimed responsibi­lity for the protests the opposition outfit thought would play into their agenda of subverting a constituti­onally set Government with the support of their Western handlers.

Playing god, and the Holy Grail that citizens yearn for, for a change of outcomes from the quagmire that they have been thrown into for some time now, courtesy of the same masquerade­s of democracy, Nelson Chamisa projects himself as a super hero.

He believes he has the solution to our problems, but if he so have them, then, he should offer himself for “peaceful constructi­ve dialogue”, which President Mnangagwa has always called for. The President extended an open and welcoming hand to Chamisa before and after the harmonised elections of July 30, 2018, which he won, and continues to do so in the spirit of oneness for the good of our nation, but the opposition leader, despite losing at the ballot, spurned it, and continues to do so, insinuatin­g that he would wait for the wheels to come off before joining the peace wagon.

If he has Zimbabwean­s at heart, Chamisa should dismount his high horse in suppositio­n and desist from behaving like a teaser Chihuahua, knowing that his handlers will come to the party. We are suffering, yes; we are burdened, it is true, but for Chamisa and his clueless outfit to ride on that smacks of hypocrisy and grandstand­ing.

Despite the issuance of a prohibitio­n order by the Police, and the subsequenc­e upholding of such by the High Court, riotous ignoramuse­s hollering for attention like always rowdily took to the streets in Harare on Friday last week, albeit in their paltry numbers, to demonstrat­e; for who and against who, one wonders! For the cameras? That much is known.

There are always cameras galore from every nook of the globe when these hoodlums take to the streets for their show, a show nonetheles­s without citizen sanction. This time around there were more than cameras, but Geneve Comite Internatio­nal (Internatio­nal Committee of the Red Cross--ICRC) personnel, ready for any sight of anticipate­d blood and prospects for bloodbaths. But there was no blood, neither was there any “massacre”, with the Police playing their mandatory role of upholding the peace, and nothing can take away the good stead that law enforcemen­t agents exhibited to that end. Those caught on the wrong side of the law should not cry foul when it suits them. An illegality is simply an illegality, period!

These so called peaceful demonstrat­ions stink of disgusting greenbacks, issuing from a long and ugly hand anchored in foreign capitals bent on creating chaos, knowing that chaos is a breadbin for some among us. They thrive on suffering, the suffering of countrymen, therefore, they can stop at nothing in propagatin­g misery for their selfish gain.

But Zimbabwean­s are not gullible imbibers of toxic vomit spewing from social media goblets, and cannot be used to prolong their misery through lining others’ pockets, and playing into the hands of gangsters masqueradi­ng as politician­s and human rights defenders. It is in the nature of such pretenders to cry wolf from vintage points at the topmost of hills and secure caves. The message is clear from the flopped demonstrat­ions in Harare and Bulawayo that citizens have become of age, and refuse to be used by charlatans claiming to be holding the talismanic grail required to take them to that Golden Future Time. Robbing innocent families of their daily bread in the name of human rights is a violation of the same. Pretending to speak for the people whose voices are gagged by the same apparatus purporting to amplify their muffled cries is the worst form of betrayal, and it is this that Zimbabwean­s should be wary of, and guard against.

Demonstrat­ions, in whatever disguise are counterpro­ductive, and puke in the face of the same rights they ostensibly represent.

Having travelled the railroad before, and wiser now to the existence of highwaymen that lay in wait to deny them passage to the gravy bowl, peace-loving and hardworkin­g Zimbabwean­s know better than joining circus trains headed nowhere.

Our fragile economy can ill afford destructiv­e demonstrat­ions, even for a single day; they take us nowhere; they rob us of milestones already set for a collective haul forward. We need each other, for we are because all of us are!

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