Chronicle (Zimbabwe)

Zimbabwe is a country of laws


achieving the purpose of the limitation.

These rights accrue to us all as citizens. For example, the right to property was not made to protect private ownership of land by white farmers.

Instead, it is a right that Mr Fetti Mbele, a villager in Ntabazindu­na under Chief Felix Nhlanhlaya­mangwe Ndiweni enjoyed, and which right was violated when the Chief caused the burning down of his homestead in order to enforce an eviction of the Mbele family after Mr Mbele refused to obey the chief ’s directive to divorce his wife. Under section 78(2), our constituti­on says no person may be compelled to enter into marriage against their will, which equally means (under the rules of interpreta­tion of statutes) that no person can be compelled to get out of a marriage against their will. That is something the Chief had tried to do, which was a violation of a fundamenta­l right.

There has been a clamour for demonstrat­ions. The constituti­on gives citizens the right to freedom of assembly and associatio­n.

This is the right that allows people to demonstrat­e. But, as we have seen, rights are not unlimited. So, when businesses lost their property to riots in January 2019, they have an expectatio­n that anyone arranging future demonstrat­ions must put in place clear and robust measures to ensure that the same thing does not happen.

It follows that a convenor that seriously wants to organise a demonstrat­ion must satisfy the relevant authoritie­s, in their notificati­on of a demonstrat­ion, that they have taken steps to avoid causing the same damage that was caused previously.

This means having a realistic relationsh­ip between the expected numbers of demonstrat­ors and marshals, it means working with law enforcemen­t to ensure that said marshals are trained in crowd control, it means choosing routes that allow for the free movement of the protestors while causing the least amount of disruption to those not involved in the march.

It definitely means making sure that you do not ramp up your protestors’ expectatio­ns with claims that the demonstrat­ion will achieve something it cannot possibly do, like removing an elected President.

There are clear guidelines on what the citizen who is aggrieved by a prohibitio­n order stopping a demonstrat­ion must do. Those who planned demonstrat­ions in this month of August have seen it fit not to follow these laid down procedures.

Their reason for doing so is obvious: the whole programme has been choreograp­hed to ensure that the lawful response of law enforcemen­t agencies is seen as repression by those that will not bother to read our laws.

We have laws about crowd management during unlawful assemblies. Those laws are very clear, and they have not been violated, now or in the past.

There are internatio­nal human rights law guidelines on the management of violent assemblies, starting with the 1979 UN Basic Principles on the Use of Force and Firearms by Law Enforcemen­t Officials, Adopted by the Eighth UN Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders, in Havana, Cuba, in 1990, and the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights’ Guidelines for the Policing of Assemblies by Law Enforcemen­t Officials in Africa. None have been violated.

We are a nation of laws. While many have claimed that they will not “do a hundred handstands in order to get their right to demonstrat­e respected”, the truth is that no-one has asked them to.

They have merely been asked to follow the law, and that same law has avenues for redress when their requests are turned down. They have chosen to ignore these avenues, choosing instead to use the streets to audition for money and other subversive support from their American and other foreign handlers.

We are a nation of laws. The law will always reply to those that choose to ignore it.

 ??  ?? Chief Felix Nhlanhlaya­mangwe Ndiweni
Chief Felix Nhlanhlaya­mangwe Ndiweni

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