Chronicle (Zimbabwe)

Winning in Christ


Galatians 6 : 4 “Each one should test his own actions. Then he can take pride in himself, without comparing himself to somebody else.”

The world has become so competitiv­e that comparison somehow rules our lives. We live with a never ending push to succeed and win, which results in us constantly comparing ourselves with others to see how we measure up. From an early age, we are programmed to think if we are not in front then we are losing, but winning does not always mean being ahead, it means running your race well.

If you measure your success in life by the positions and places of other people then you will never find contentmen­t. The fact is someone will always be ahead, someone will have better, someone will have more, someone will always do better. The key is in understand­ing that in the kingdom of God, obedience is the yardstick used to measure victory.

When you know that your obedience is what determines whether you are winning in God then you can focus on your race and run it with no fear, without comparison weighing you down, with no pressure and without feeling intimidate­d by those ahead.

For as long as you are walking in your purpose, obeying God and doing and giving your best in what He has called you to do then you are winning in His eyes and in due time, He will reward you. Don’t worry about who is ahead of or behind you, walk in faith, focus on making the Father proud and measuring up against His plan for you.

Be blessed

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